Those of you that are spending well over $100-$500.... is that because you have many animals? Are you buying all of your feeders or breeding? It just seems like a ton of money to be spending on pet food!
I have about 30 geckos and I only spend about $30 every 3 - 4 months on mealworms. I breed my own mealworms but I have to buy some every few months to hold me over while the baby worms grow and to get new beetles. I also have a dubia colony that started wiith 50 and is now well over 1500.
With all of my pets combined plus my currency converted to dollars, on a monthly basis more or less $10-$15. 90% of my pets virtually eat the same thing; i.e. superworms, mealworms, crickets, feeder fish which makes their upkeep easy. Besides, 99% of my pets eat on a weekly basis with the exception of my hedgehogs. (May change next year since i plan to add a couple or five more pets LOL)
I have three leopard geckos. Two eat normal amounts (2-3 supers, 10-15 meal worms, or 3-6 crickets per feeding) and one just eats and eats! I spend more than double feeding three than i did feeding two. I have no idea where my youngest puts it all! I currently spend about $3-8 on feeders every week, buying 1-3 times a weeks, depending on what I want to feed. I just started my meal worm colony though, so that should change here soon!
I spend on average 100-150 per month, sometimes more---sometimes a little less depending on season and so forth. I really like variety so I often will get Phoenix worms for the ones that will eat them. Sometimes I spend extra when I buy horns or butter worms so that can take it up to over 250 a month. Just depends. I would like to get more dubia so I can rely more on dubia. I have been saving most of my dubia for hatchlings and building my colony back up.
Probably $2 a month in food for the mealworms which I then feed to my geckos and quail. Reducing that in the near future by possibly growing my own veggies... once I get a fence up to keep the goats out of the garden, anyway. Initial cost will shoot up pretty drastically, but future cost will be just the seeds and $/hr in labor to grow. I need more worm bins too, they're crowding so much the surface moves if you touch it. /shudders
Hoping to find a non-climbing roach I can have in FL to breed feeders from too. That'll probably raise my feed bill to $5 a month though. I need more geckos....