feeding CGD in powdered form?


New Member
I tried it after reading your interview with Garrick DeMeyer. All my geckos ate it dry but the humidity and misting caused it to get rock hard after a few days. Now I just mix it up again.


New Member
Oregon, IL
You can dust with insects with it no problem, but it should be mixed with water when used as a food even if just for the water content. It also gives off more of a scent when mixed with water


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
There has also been some question on if the geckos will become more dehydrated if offered it in this form as it is actually taking away from the moisture the gecko has unlike when mixed it is added moisture to the gecko.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
There has also been some question on if the geckos will become more dehydrated if offered it in this form as it is actually taking away from the moisture the gecko has unlike when mixed it is added moisture to the gecko.

If the gecko is provided with a water dish, there should be no problems of dehydration though.

I have used the powdered form to get a crested gecko to begin eating CGD, but I always mix it up with water when I serve it for eating.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
call me a paranoid gecko mom, why fix something that isnt broke

I am not sure if that is directed to the OP or myself, but I have used the dry powder with a crested gecko that refused to eat the diet mixed with water. This gecko was feed baby food and crickets for the first 3 years of her life and to get her eating the CGD I would dust her crickets with the diet and within a week I had her eating CDG.

I do not see the point in feeding dry diet though, I have heard that some people have had great success with it over the water mix. I personally think that the diet would get wet anyways and spoil just the same when you mist the tank. I have found that my geckos prefer their diet to be the consistency of pudding or slightly thicker.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Look at it this way, frolm another point of view, can it be done? Yes. Does the person who made the product, tested the product and perfected the produce advice it? No if he did they he would state on the bag to offer it dry. And in the dry form the proper nutrition is not being maintained, remember proper is when mixed in half, dry means they are getting twice the amount which can lead to issues in it of itself. So it isnt just a matter of caking up from misting, that is another issue to look at.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Look at it this way, frolm another point of view, can it be done? Yes. Does the person who made the product, tested the product and perfected the produce advice it? No if he did they he would state on the bag to offer it dry. And in the dry form the proper nutrition is not being maintained, remember proper is when mixed in half, dry means they are getting twice the amount which can lead to issues in it of itself. So it isnt just a matter of caking up from misting, that is another issue to look at.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
oops..lol realised you cant edit and accidently quoted myself, I meant to write this in instead of putting up another post.

And as far as the youtube video goes, many keepers of all of those species he is showing you were outraged by the video and you can see that in his comments, do a search through pangea or repashy you will see alot of negative feedback on it.[/


New Member
I saw a thread on here about something else and pictures showed dry CGD in the tank. When I asked about it, I never got a response. I'm still the last post on the thread.

I'm glad that someone brought it up. It is odd to hear people not following directions... Well, not really, but I never would have thought to offer it dry. I can maybe see dusting crickets with it, but I'd rather just dust crickets with calcium and leave CGD water wet.

I think James/Melissa makes a good point, the water dilutes it, where leaving it dry, makes it more potent, so to speak.

I think I'm good with just leaving it wet.

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