Females Nipping each other


New Member
Most people on here take the time to give advice to others because they learned the hard way and want to save other people from having to do the same. This isn't exactly a thread where half the people are saying it's ok to house under weight breeders together and half saying it's not. There's a reason everyone's telling you not to do it. Seriously, REMOVE YOUR MALE IMMEDIATELY! Do you really want to realize we're right when your dealing with a dead female or two, or do you want to take a chance on us being right and play it safe? To be honest, the fact that your asking for advise but say you have breeder friends (who haven't chimed in) telling you opposite advice leads me to think this is just a trolling thread. If it's not please PM me the names of your breeder friends so i can make sure i don't buy geckos from them.


New Member
I bought enough exoterra terrariums and a my 46 gallon bow front to house all my females separately but I am 1 more too many so is there any risk with putting a 31g male with a 45-50g female that is sexually mature?

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