Ferret needs euthanasia


New Member
Miami, FL
I figured this would get more views if I posted here. It's kind of urgent.

So, of all people, you would think i'd be the last person to be posting for advice on this topic. However, when it comes to my own animals, I become that little girl who knows nothing medically past picking up poop with the pooper scooper.

I have a ferret who is 8 years old. Never been tested for adrenal gland disease, but has always had the alopecia (hair loss) around the tail-rear end of his body. He's always been a ferocious eater. These past two weeks he's lost his appetite, lost the ability to control his bowels and urination, and has seizures. Yesterday and today he has trouble standing on his back legs, and "swims" around when he's put on the floor. Currently, I am giving him Prednisone twice daily and force feeding him...however, my heart and my gut tell me he's suffering. I think the best gift I could give him right now could be euthanasia. I feel like i'm making him suffer and I can't let go.

Does anybody in Florida know of any good small mammal vets? I'm embarrased to bring him to the vet he saw 2 years ago, considering the condition he's in. I never let my animals get this bad, however, Harley has.

These past few months have been really tough for me. If it weren't for you guys, i'm not sure if i'd even be around right now.

Thanks for listening to my bulls**t.


That is the best gift that we can give to any animal, is to put them out of their suffering. Most people can't get the luxury when they are suffering.

I actually don't go to my vet to have my animals put to sleep. I go to my local shelter and they have a very nice room with a couch, etc..(not a vet exam room) and you can be there when it happens, etc..

I had to put to sleep my 5 year old russian blue dumbo rat Peanut a day before Christmas, but I knew it was time, the day before her back legs went dead and she didn't have an appetite and started to lose bowel control. It was the best thing I could have done for her.

Once they lose a fulfilling life, I believe it's time to let them go for their own well being.


Maia... Doing what you are having to do now is one of the hardest things a person has to do sometimes.

We all become very attached to our animals and it sucks when we have to say good-by.

If your little guy is bad off, you know what the right thing to do is, you see it everyday and know it's the correct thing to do. Thats the side you have to look from now.

It Sucks Butt to have to do it, but it's the Kindest thing to do.

I feel for you and wish you the best!!


New Member
Miami, FL
Thank you guys. And Chris, i've told you what a heart of gold you have. Thank you so much for your concern. My eyes swell as I write this, but I know what must be done. I just need to get myself together and make sure I find the right person to do it...

I went through a terrible ferret euthanasia about 5-6 years ago...apparently, the doc couldn't or wouldn't hit a vein to put my ferret to sleep, so he gave her the injection sub-cutaneously and I had to sit with her for 25 minutes...until I felt her heart beat the very last beat it ever would...

I can't bring him back to that guy. I need someone to hit a vein, even if I have to do it myself, and I can. I'm not sure the Humane Society knows too much about ferrets. I guess i'll call around a little tommorow, if he's still with us.

Thanks again, you guys.
Without the love and support, i'm not sure i'd even be here.


New Member
Aw, I'm so sorry to hear about your ferret. I used to have 3 of them and still miss them so much. And I also know how terrible it is to have an animal put down. A cat I used to have was born with a birth defect that wasn't detectable until later on and there was just nothing we could do for her. But I know we gave her a good life (her previous owner was going to shoot her if no one took her) and we were there with her during her final moments. I'll never forget that day either, she seemed to know it was her time because all she did was lick my hand, stare up at me once more and then lay her head down on my arm. It's so hard but better for them in the end...


New Member
I don't know why the vet would make you sit there while it was taking its toll.

If you are able to do it yourself.. ask a vet.. I know someone out there has to be able to dispense the injection. Would the vet clinic you work at be able to do that?
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Iam sorry that you are going through this and they are all right the best thing you can do is put him asleep it will end his suffering but always remember he will not suffer no more okay Iam in tears now makes me think of my dog um he will always be right in your heart I will say a prayer for you and your little guy if you need to talk pm me and I will listen to you. :(


New Member
Miami, FL
Chelsea, thanks for your kind words. It is pretty tough to watch him go through this. I know that in the end it's the right decision. It's just signing my name on that paper is what gets me...

Rachel, I'm not sure why that situation panned out the way it did either. Whatever it was, it absolutely made me afraid of small animal euthanasia altogether. I don't think I could actually "push" the solution myself, however, I would be willing to hit his vein, and place a catheter with ease in my emaciated dehydrated ferret, as this takes skill...they would have to take over from there, though. I can't do it myself. I'm strong, but not bullet-proof...

Holly, thank you. Thank you for your prayers...Harley and your dog will soon be crossing the rainbow bridge together...


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
I'm so sorry about Harley. :( Having to make the decision to euthanize is probably one of the hardest decisions out there, but at the same time can also be the best decision. It sounds like it's his time to go and be out of suffering now. I hope you can find a good vet nearby, and that you and Harley both can be at peace.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Maia, I'm sorry you're having to make this tough decision and that you don't live closer to our small animal vet. I hope find or have found one that can make this experience as peaceful as it can be.


New Member
Canada, Ontario
I am so sorry you had to make that decision. I know how hard it is to watch an animal suffer and how gut wretching it is to just want to hold them and make it better. It's hard to accept that you are not able to help.. Just know that you are not alone in that room. We are all behind you.

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