So I did online petco applications last week for a few different stores and today I got a call from the closest one asking if I was still looking for a job and if I wanted to go in for an interview.....and I basically got hired on the spot when I went in! They're hiring for general associates (so basically I'll do whatever's needed)...but they happened to not have a small animal specialist and about half the people in the store are allergic to rodents...so they were psyched to learn that I do rodents...lol I start Thursday! I actually could have started tomorrow...but Steve's gonna be gone for a couple weeks and will be here tomorrow evening and most of Wednesday. I'm so happy to have finally found a job....and this is actually a very nice petco! It used to be a crappy store...but the management must have changed since then....b/c the animals all look great and they are choosey about who they sell to (for example they won't sell goldfish to people who're gonna keep them in a bowl...). They are the highest rated Petco in the district and one of the highest in the nation...so I'm actually pretty happy with having a job there