First it's the pythons, now iguanas???


New Member
Miami, FL
There is so much wrong with this story it's unbelievable. Just more ammo to ban anything and everything reptile related. I wonder what REALLY happened...that had to have been a pretty big iguana to get 23 sutures! Heck, I don't think i've been bitten by a DOG that's given me that many sutures! Read on...

OAKLAND PARK - A 7-year-old Oakland Park girl is recovering from an iguana bite that left her with nearly two dozen stitches.

Madison Wells said the 6-foot long orange iguana bit her right foot as she fed it strawberries in her neighbor's backyard last Thursday. She thought that the iguana was just going to lick her feet.

"I'm not going to touch any iguanas anymore," Madison said. "I'm afraid of them. Especially the orange ones."

The Oakland Park Elementary School second-grade student had 23 stitches and had to stay in the hospital from about 6 p.m. to just after midnight. It chomped around Madison's foot, tearing at tendons that keep her from wiggling four of her small toes. She is set to have surgery soon that will repair them.

Her mother, Michelle Yurko, 40, called police, animal control, and wildlife officials, but she said that none of them were able to come out and trap the animal, which as far as she knows is still in the neighborhood.

"I'm asking that any community organization who can help us in removing the animal help us," Yurko said. "It needs to be moved to a place that is safer for everybody."

Obsidian Tears

I am the Wombat!
Prescott, AZ
I don't get that...*most* people instill enough common sense in their children by that age not to reach down and touch an unfamiliar dog. Apparently that doesn't apply when it's a reptile.


New Member
first off in FL yes there are TONSSSSSS of them. i mean really only in FL are there real signs saying "do not feed ducks or iguanas" And when your down here long enough you will notice they run, Have a very long tail that can hurt you, and why on earth would you wanna Play with it....and your local? Do you let your kids go out and feed stray pit bulls around town? No...Then down let your kid cuddle up to a 4+ foot lizard.

Yes there is a huge problem here with Iguanas. And sorry to all the pit bull lovers. but if you live down in FL you know we have a huge fighting problem too with Many roaming attack pit bulls that kill little kids every other week. ...BUT back on the subject. Dont let your kids or even you think its OK to touch,feed or in anyway interact with them they can Hurt you! and Hurt the rights of these reptiles!


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
Dang. another strike against reptiles. i completely people should teach their kids to not mess with wild animals furry or scaly lol. if u want to throw it some fruit do it from a safe distance and dont get too close, since many iguanas that are loose are former pets they are not afraid of humans many times so give it some fruit and go into a safe area. any animal can inflict harm on you if your close enouh and especially feeding it. heck i remember gettin bit by goats at the fair lol i had bruises from but o well i knew not let them get too close to my fingers and was head butted and kicked numerous times. but never said nothing you know thats what happens with goats sometimes....imo kids&parents in many cases these days have no commonsense when it comes to things and thats when stupid things happen. yes florida has iguanas mainly if not only in South florida i havent seen any in central where i am. and yes a huge problem with people fighting pits.


yea iguanas have been a problem in FL. everytime i go south it seems like the triple the amount from before. but yea thats who ever was supposed to be watchen the kid fault. but of course in this day and age no one wants to be responsible they'd rather sue or destroy something.

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
In all honesty i think that the Iguana population is more of a danger then the python. Sure pythons have size and are constrictors that would inflict serious injury to humans, but come on the kid was feeding the animal. Iguana's devastate natural plant life as well as cause serious issues with electrical, cable, and phone lines while they are laying on them. How many pythons have been reportedly seen hanging out on any utility lines/poles.

The law makers appear to be looking at the wrong reptile that is truly a danger to the communities in Florida. I don't see Hawaiian law makers causing a stink over the sliders that have been released into the wild there. Sure there will be non-native species of animals in all parts of the United States. We just need to prioritize and have better relocation programs for such animals that do cause serious harm to delicate ecosystems.

But who am I to say what is wrong or what is right for each state. That should be left to the professionals that live and manage the ecosystems for those areas. Scientist and law makers alike.

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