Fist babies of the season


New Member
Denver, Co
They hatched last night. What do you think they could be? Dad is a giant mack snow 100% het RAPTOR and mom is a tangerine bell hybino. Aren't they cute?




New Member
Denver, Co
(This is not an attack on enigmas or people that produce or own them)

Why cull them? They seem at this time, to be prefectly healthy and free of genetic defects. Unlike enigma that have a known defect and are still bred. Do you understand the reason why most people don't cross albino strains? Because it should produce a normal looking offspring het for both strains of albinism and it makes it hard to know which form of albinism is effecting the gecko. In thoery, in the next generation I could produce a gecko that shows traits of both temper and bell albinism.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
The first one is a cute Jungle Mack Snow, and the second one is a Tang. "Culling" doesn't only mean killing, it also means keeping away from the public gene pool (i.e., not selling them for breeding purposes). You can do with your own geckos what you want, and there is no reason to kill perfectly healthy animals. You need to, however, disclose the genetics of any animal you sell. The only thing that could happen is that nobody wants to buy "mixed morph geckos," but that's that person's problem.

P.S. You cannot produce a gecko that shows both the Bell and Tremper phenotypes; that doesn't work. Such a cross would look like a Normal, with two hets (genotype).

Pretty babies!



New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
(This is not an attack on enigmas or people that produce or own them)
Why cull them? They seem at this time, to be prefectly healthy and free of genetic defects. Unlike enigma that have a known defect and are still bred. Do you understand the reason why most people don't cross albino strains?

I don't own an Enigma and never will. That's besides the point. The reason you don't breed 2 different albino strains together is because you can't genetically tell which is which or if they have both. It's just messes up the genetic pool which already pretty shallow. It's just a ethical thing and most knowledgeable breeders don't do it.

"Culling" doesn't only mean killing, it also means keeping away from the public gene pool (i.e., not selling them for breeding purposes). You can do with your own geckos what you want, and there is no reason to kill perfectly healthy animals.

I do mean kill. Culling is killing just a "prettier" word. Reducing the weaker or unwanted genetics out of a specific group. If you feel that you can trust people in this world on a verbal agreement to keep and don't breed then go ahead and give them away. I wouldn't even think of doing it cause it would end of being me that brought this problem into the gene pool if they bred them. If you can't stand the thought of culling then you shouldn't be breeding.

I don't want to sound mean but that what really needs to happen. Cull what has hatched and get rid of the remaining eggs. Their could be bigger implications on not culling them then just the death of a hatchling. As people say, you will be muddying the water and cause head aches for others who may acquire them down the road and not know.

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