For owners OVER 22 years old - what do people say when you tell them you have a leo?


New Member
Somewhere, geckoland
This might sound like a strange question, but, for people over the age of 22, what do people say (those over 22 also) when you tell them you have a leopard gecko (or 2 or 3 or 5 lol)?

I was wondering if they thought it was cool, or just strange? Most of the people between I've told (in response to "do you have any pets" or just told in conversation) age 22-39 I either get a "thats really cool" or they think its very bizarre and juvenile and can't fathom having a reptile as a pet once you graduate middle school.

Everybody over age 40 that I've spoken with thinks its bizarre.

I know there are many people hear over age 22 who have had leo's for many years and I'm sure have had many experiences telling people and I was hoping some of you could share what your responses were, how old they were, and what % of the time they are "cool" and what % of the time the answer is "wierd, why?, etc).

I look forward to hearing from everyone. Thank you. :)
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New Member
I've had mostly awesome responses and they range in age from very young to very old. I'd say 95% positive and 5% weird or why (but usually the 5% are jesting and are the ones who envy my leo the most).


New Member
Mostly they think it's strange. Some people are interested and ask questions but the final conclusion is always that it's strange.


New Member
St. Louis
Mostly they all think it's cool and then they ask about them and if they would be a good first pet for their kids and what not. Granted most of the people over 22 that see a person like me with a full throat tattoo thinks I am bizarre anyways!


New Member
they don't really react different because i mostly hang around or associate with reef hobbyist... but people do trip out when i tell them i have two colonies of roaches in bins to feed my lizards... LOL... and the fact that i have a frog that eats mice...


Napa ca
I was enlightened by a friend (actually a friends girlfriend) who worked at a small zoo and was one of the reptile keepers. I tried to save a wild fence lizard who lost an eye, but it died. My friend found out about it and said I should get a Leo. At the time I had never heard of one, but I looked them up and thought to myself, "Hey these guys are pretty cool. I think I need one" (I got two little ones, then a few months later, a full grown one) I've posted pics on facebook and for the most part people seem to think they are cool. That said, its not uncommon for me to walk around work with a wild lizard chillin on my shirt someplace :main_laugh: (I work at a high end hotel in the middle of some vineyards. Its fun to walk through the place with a lizard. I think my record was 6 hours with a wild caught fence lizard on my shirt. It was free to go at any time, when it decided to go, it walked down my arm and then off into the bushes.:main_cool3:)

My mother thinks Leos are strange looking, but likes Hawaiian Gold Dust day Geckos and thinks I need one. (I have to admit they are cool looking.) I said she needs a Leo for her classroom (teaches kindergarten) there was no answer to that one.



New Member
Elizabethville, PA
We get mixed reactions... more so now since we're up to 34. Usually at that point we point out that we're planning on breeding and that's why we have so many.

Either way, I don't pay much mind as to how people reaction. Their my babies and I wouldn't give the up for the world. :)


New Member
Elgin, Tx
Most people react to my working with 300+monkeys weirder than my having a personal zoo at home. Seeing that I'm to be 40 soon, my family just thinks I'm hitting that "mid life crisis" with animals.

Now when I admit to the roach/worm breeding colonies...THAT gets a few looks and comments as to my sanity. *lol*


New Member
Northern ILL
most like the geckos but hate the roaches, ive only had one friend that wants to get one but doesn't like worms. said he would rather feed roaches.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I usually get peaked interest and follow up questions. Rarely do I get adverse reactions other than for the roaches and (sometimes) the snakes. When I say how many I have(over 100) that usually gets me a strange look or two.


Chicagoland IL
I've had no ill responses to letting people know I have a leo. People are more interested in the snake though. A chick that's into reptiles... I guess some guys find that rare and interesting. It doesn't help that I'm allergic to everything with fur, so I can't have my rats anymore. Now *that* got people squirming!


New Member
North Carolina
The majority of people think it is alright but when they find out I breed roaches, meal worms, super worms and wax worms that is when the shivers and the curled lips start. My sister thinks I am the wierdest person in the world but my mom is fascinated by the intricacies that go into raising everything. My dad is terrified of my beetles but find the lizards pretty cool. My friends just take it as what I do. And my neice has said many times that I am the coolest aunt ever. Reactions vary across the board and usually I pay no attention.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
For the most part people who know me know I have had a collection since I was in middle school. So no big shocker to people who know me. For strangers who I meet, they typically are interested in them but question the hobby/business end of keeping so many, as apposed to having on as a pet. The most common question I get from people (typically 25-35 of age) is how good the profit margins are (everyone wants a get rich quick scheme...not in leos though, sorry). From younger people they always ask if this is what I do for a living...which we don't. Jennifer and I both work full time.


New Member
I get mostly positive responses. Some get very curious. I don't think anybody I have ever told had a negative reaction. But then again maybe they were just being polite?


New Member
Raleigh , NC
I have a Leo and Crested and both of them have albums on my facebook. Girls seem to really think they are cute and my guy friends like to watch them eat food . I think having a couple does not make people think of you as weird, maybe breeding them might trigger a different response. My 20 year old brother doesn't understand because he think you should be able to play with pets and cuddle them lol.

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