Found a baby iguana in a construction site.



I found a baby male, green iguana near an active construction site on the street, i didn't want it to get hurt or even killed and i don't have the room, time and money to keep an iguana therefore I relocated it to my back yard which is filled with fruits and green including but not limited to mangos, hocotes [sorry don't know the english name] avocados, papaya, squash, etc.
Im just wondering, what are the chances of it sticking around my backyard? will it live its life there or will it roam to other places?


Obsidian Tears

I am the Wombat!
Prescott, AZ
Why not try to find a local reptile rescue? :) If it's still a baby, it could still make someone a decent pet. I seem to remember reading something about Florida having a feral iguana population, so leaving him out there would just be contributing to the problem.


New Member
Northeast USA
Ask around and you'll probably find someone who wants him; who wouldn't want a little Monster ;).
Iguanas are not native to Florida, please don't just leave him outside.


New Member
Miami, FL
I'm just suprised you were fast enough to catch it! Those things can really MOVE when they want to...

It might stick around your backyard if you feed it every day. Any animal can be conditioned to return to a food source. As far as becoming someone's pet, unless this iguana is TINY I would highly recommend against it. Since they have established themselves here in FL, most of the iguanas we see running around are truly feral and capturing wild ones to keep in captivity ends up becoming entirely too stressful on both the human and the lizard. Then you have all the parasites the animal has (both internal and external, some of which humans can catch)

If you can find a reptile rescue, great.
If you can find a home for it (who is compleatly aware that the animal is feral and probabbly never been handled or even close to a human in it's life and is willing to accept that responsibility), great.

I honestly don't think you would be adding to the problem by just leaving him outside. Come on, does that mean that every time I see an iguana I should try to capture it and find a place for it and if I don't then i'm contributing to the issue??? I don't have the time, and unfortunately neither do most people.

The iguanas are something we Floridians just deal with.


New Member
I heard that if you find a wild iguana in Florida, you are not allowed to "rescue" or rehome it. I think I saw it on Animal Cops. There was a wild one caught in a fence and the woman was allowed to untangle it but couldn't turn it in, because it was wild.
In any case, I agree with JordanAng420. You can try to let it live in your yard or find someone to take it AS LONG AS you tell them all the facts, otherwise just let it be.
Good luck!


Breeder in the making
PEI Canada
if you have a backyard and some space you should just build a large pen and put him in there also if he see other do the same or eat them, seriously though you would be doing florida wildlife a HUGE favor of catching them whether its for a cage or the dinner plate

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