Gargoyles with cresties???


New Member
Hey, I was just wondering if it is possible to house a gargoyle gecko wqith a crested gecko because they both require about the same environment and they both come from the Rhacodactylus family, leave your views... Thanks:main_thumbsup:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If you do a web search, there is a lot of info about that. I ended up finding some recently but don't remember where. Some people do it successfully and other people have reported difficulties with garg aggressiveness, I think. They will interbreed which some people like and others are against.



Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
+1. I'm against mixing species. For one thing gargs are more aggressive than cresties, and a lot of the time bullying becomes a problem. Also, gargs are more likely to be tail-biters, and will often attack the tails of cage mates. Crossing Rhacs isn't something I condone either, there's no reason to do it other than "look what I can do" and hybrids generally aren't great for the gene pool of either species. Keeping geckos individually, or in same species pairs/groups is the way to go, imo.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I would HIGHLY advise not to do this. Gargs rarely get along with one another and even when breeding them often get nipped tails in the process. Gargs are also naturally larger then cresteds, my adult female is 53g, most crested geckos tend to stay 45g or less, which is a big size difference.

Interbreeding wouldnt be a big issue with these guys since the garg is so aggressive, a female crested pretty much would be killed, and a male crested would be to repressed on to be able to breed with a fully mature female garg (as she would be so much larger then he and more aggressive to boot).

In general if you want to house different species together, cresties and saras, and cresties and chewies seem to do fine together are the 3 species are more placid with one another, although you do have to worry about hybrids with those guys together.

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