Right im sickimfed up my leo drew blood first time tonight he bit me a million times in a week whatsup. he 7n months old male. He was amazing to handle never aggressive seemed happy, Over night turned into a hissing biting maniac and been this way for two weeks now No heat change no tank change no feed change!! tonight he drew blood do i need tetnus or just give good wash?
Gave my local vet symptoms and he sais just going into adult hood. Should go back to normal with persistance and handling which did not work. Im scared hell lose his tail he seems very stressed. Ive left him but it 2 weeks and still no change. NOT EATING POOPING ONCE WEEK
Gave my local vet symptoms and he sais just going into adult hood. Should go back to normal with persistance and handling which did not work. Im scared hell lose his tail he seems very stressed. Ive left him but it 2 weeks and still no change. NOT EATING POOPING ONCE WEEK