Gecko Food?


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
AB3 said:
But I thought they had to be kept cold

The extras do so that they don't transform into the next step of their life cycle. I guess I should change that "as many as you want" to a number more like 10-20. Those should be eaten fast enough, it's the extras that may last several weeks that need to be cold.


ok so I should just fill it enough for a few days or so, then re-fill. Sounds good. Does the gecko need "excersize" so it doesnt get fat?? Sorry for all the questions I just wanna know as much as possible before I buy one. And are there any physical charecteristics seperating male from female??


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
AB3 said:
ok so I should just fill it enough for a few days or so, then re-fill. Sounds good.


Does the gecko need "excersize" so it doesnt get fat??

He/she will excersize all it wants. Not something you need to worry about. Plus, a fat gecko is a healthy gecko.

And are there any physical charecteristics seperating male from female??

It is very hard to tell until it is at least a few months old. But here you go: <-- Best One


ok cool, if I get the heat pad under the tank do I need any sort of lamp? And does the pad only go under one side of the tank?


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
AB3 said:
ok cool, if I get the heat pad under the tank do I need any sort of lamp?

You do not need a lamp. Bright lights can stress your leo out. If you would like to have a light for your viewing, get a RED, BLUE, or BLACK light because leos cannot see those. What you do need however, is a thermostat to make sure the temp is good (low to mid 90's on the hot end)

And does the pad only go under one side of the tank?

Yes, it should be on one end covering the entire width and 1/2 to 1/3 of the length. Make sure that on the hot end you have a warm hide and a humid hide.


I was thinking of getting these r they ok?

Exo Terra Reptile Den with Magnet


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
AB3 said:
I was thinking of getting these r they ok?

Exo Terra Reptile Den with Magnet

Is that the cave that is half in the tank where they can go in, and the other half is on the outside that you can take off to see them? If it is, those are good and many people on here use them.


yea they look cool, it says its insulated so ill put it on the cool side.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
AB3 said:
I really like the one in ur avatar.

Thanks.. that's from about a month ago. He was only 3 grams there and he's close to 10 grams now. He's getting more of a carrot tail, the stripes on the tail are turning into spots, and the brown on his back is fading. I have some more pics in the Photo Gallery, but I need to take more when I get a chance. Make sure you post pics when you get yours. And feel free to post pics of your tank before if you get that done. Any more questions for now?


If you keep your meal worms in a cool-ish place in the house -you do not have to refrigerate them
I found that putting them in the fridge made moisture collect on the lid and drip into the meal and ended up killing them off-that was when i was only dealing with small cups of them
Now I throw a couple thousand into a sterlite/rubbermaid container and most of them get used/eaten before they morph
You can also breed them easily enough and cut down on your food bill

Maybe you can keep them in the basement in the room where your furnace is?
That might be warm enough-not too cold and away from the rest of the house and they won't "bug" your mom

Good luck



I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Lemme contradict everything you guys just said about having to refridgerate mealworms, and buying them from petco. I never refridgerate my mealworms, i keep them in a cricket keeper with layers of flukers cricket feed and oatmeal. When i used to buy them from petco and refridgerate them, 99% of the time petco would sell crappy half full cups and that after a few days or a week the mealies would die off in the fridge. I order from and have never gotten more then 1 or 2 dead mealies from them. All their mealies are huge and healthy(and no im not talking about giants, i dont buy those). So you dont nessecerily have to refridgerate them. And you wont get THAT many pupa's before its time for you to order your next batch anyway. And some lil leo's even like to eat the pupa's because they wiggle.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I stopped reading after the 21st post, so forgive me if some one mentioned this already. You could always get supers, they are like mealworms. If you have young leos, you can get smaller ones online, then what they carry in some of the pet stores. They do not need to be kept cold to keep them from changing to pupa.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
GoGo said:
Lemme contradict everything you guys just said about having to refridgerate mealworms, and buying them from petco. I never refridgerate my mealworms, i keep them in a cricket keeper with layers of flukers cricket feed and oatmeal. When i used to buy them from petco and refridgerate them, 99% of the time petco would sell crappy half full cups and that after a few days or a week the mealies would die off in the fridge. I order from and have never gotten more then 1 or 2 dead mealies from them. All their mealies are huge and healthy(and no im not talking about giants, i dont buy those). So you dont nessecerily have to refridgerate them. And you wont get THAT many pupa's before its time for you to order your next batch anyway. And some lil leo's even like to eat the pupa's because they wiggle.

That may work for you, but when you have as many leos as I or most breeders have, and you buy 1,000s or 10,000s at a time, so you are not ordering every week, they will turn to pupa if not placed in the fridge.

The reasons yours may have been dieing from Petco is most likely that Petco was not takeing them out of the fridge and feeding them. Just because they are dormant doesn't mean they can just leave them in there and never feed them. They have to be warmed up and fed.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
BalloonzForU said:
That may work for you, but when you have as many leos as I or most breeders have, and you buy 1,000s or 10,000s at a time, so you are not ordering every week, they will turn to pupa if not placed in the fridge.

The reasons yours may have been dieing from Petco is most likely that Petco was not takeing them out of the fridge and feeding them. Just because they are dormant doesn't mean they can just leave them in there and never feed them. They have to be warmed up and fed.

Thank you Felicia. I believe I stated that earlier, so thanks for backing me up on that. I have never had a problem with Petco mealies, and they sure fattened my little one up.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
AB3 said:
How many mealies do you get in a cup? How much are they?

I got 100 small mealies at Petco for $2.89. I got 50 medium from a smaller store for just under $5, but I think they were overpriced. I was just desperate there.

EDIT: It probably doesnt apply to you because you do not need large quantities, but websites such as are better deals in large quantities.


So acording to GoGO you dont need to refrigerate them in small quantities like im gonna have. Is that true.

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