Gecko passed, wondering why.


New Member
Yesterday, 12/24/19 I noticed my gecko had poop stuck half in half out. I immediately looked up what to do in that scenario, to give a bath and gently rub off poop. When I tried to pick him up he would curl his tail at me and run off, other time's that I tried to pick him up he 'bites' me. (I've been the only owner and have NEVER abused/hurt him. Day 1 when I got him he went in the terrarium and has never been friendly to me since)
I saw him try to rip the poop out with his own mouth and I knew it wasn't right. I got water on the stuck poop and figured by morning he'd poop the rest out or pull it out (it was 1AM) so I went to bed. At 12 PM I woke up and he still had it on him, but he was dead. Completely dead, his mouth was dis-colored and were his eyes.

I'm left wondering what the hell even caused this, and how it could kill him overnight. Everything I read seemed so relaxed like poop stuck was absolutely no big deal at all. Which is why I went to bed to help him out the following day. But for it to have killed him in under 11 hours is mind-blowing. Please, anyone who might know. Thanks.

I've read other peoples geckos died very quickly too with the poop being stuck. Does it just back them up so far? I really don't understand....


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't think you killed him. I think it's possible (and this is without seeing a picture) that he may have actually had a prolapsed (meaning that it unintentionally came out and wouldn't go back in) hemipenis. Please don't feel that you did anything wrong. I'm sorry for your loss.



New Member
Yeah whatever was coming out was being drug in the sand but it almost looked metallic red, it was very difficult to see it without pulling up his tail which is a horrible idea especially with how defensive he was.

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