Gecko swallowed a hair or fiber!


New Member
So I've always taken my gecko out and fed her in a separate large kritter keeper, I normally clean it out every feeding but I neglected to from a few days ago.

Well while I was feeding her her crickets, I noticed her licking more than normal on the side of her mouth, then I panicked because I saw a fiber coming out of her mouth! It must've fallen into the container last time I used it and I didn't notice it when I put her in...

I couldn't tell if it was a fiber from my clothing or a hair from me, but it was very thin and around 3 inches long. i tried very gently to pull it out, but she had already swallowed most of it. I cut the part hanging out of her mouth with a pair of scissors...

Should I be worried about this at all? I'm freaking out! I'm not sure how long the piece was she managed to swallow, probably 2-3". I still can't tell if it's a wool fiber or one of my hairs, as I'm blonde...

She's acting fine now, but seemed pretty ticked off at me for attempt to pull it out.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Just keep an eye on her, as long as she continues to eat and defecate normally there is no need to worry.

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