Gecko's Penis?

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New Member
His Gecko is always sick, tomorrow there will be a new thread about how his gecko is sick and then a week later another one after that.... and yet remarkably every time someone gives him advice it magically has no bearing and then once again the gecko gets sick.... you can either go along with it and get all up tight or have a little fun like I do with these pointless threads. Relax, I am not a negligent gecko owner. Nothing I have said in this thread should be taken seriously.


New Member
You're a young man so I'll give you a bit of advice; never open yourself up to cruel comments made by cruel people by disclosing the less-than-perfect sides of yourself unprovoked. It will save you a lot of drama and hurt down the road.

No one's saying you're a bad owner, just trying to steer you away from poorly thought-out advice and steer you towards the health of your current gecko. Husbandry is not only how often you clean, but what the temperatures in the tank are, and what and how often you feed. Would you mind posting a picture of your gecko's current tank, and we can try and troubleshoot what might be causing him all these health issues? If for no other reason than to rule out you as a cause :)

I have read all the stuff on my gecko, his husbandry is perfect.. their's nothing wrong with it. It's just the way it should be.. and sure I'll picture it tomorrow.


New Member
As far as I can tell, you're using the internet unsupervised. No matter how young or how learning disabled you might be, if you're interacting with the rest of the world, you're going to be treated as a member of it. With the same expectations that everyone else faces.

One of the expectations that is specific to this site (and those like it) is the idea of responsible pet ownership. These are responsibilities that are necessary to keep an animal healthy and alive, to keep it safe and to ensure the safety of people and other animals in the process. Those responsibilities are present for everyone, they do not change based on who you are or any conditions that might make them more difficult (or easier for that matter). There are a few things that there's a bit more debate about when it comes to those responsibilities but the basics; healthy and safe, these apply to everyone, always.

If you are not capable of meeting those responsibilities (alone or with the help of others) then you should not own a pet. If you are capable, then you don't need to make excuses.

In some ways it sounds like you're doing the right things. You're paying for vet care, you're trying to make your pet healthy when he is sick. The idea of putting another gecko in with yours right now would have been the wrong thing, dangerous for him and dangerous for the new animal. I'm glad to hear that you have decided against this, but people will always react strongly when that kind of idea is brought up. They know it's wrong and they're concerned about the animals more than anything else, so they speak using strong words, to make sure the danger is taken seriously. It's not personal, unless you make a habit of ignoring it.

People have told you that you should not get any more right now. The one you have is sick. You don't know exactly why he's sick, but he's having a rough time of it with all his symptoms. It might be a disease, it might be something wrong with the way he's being kept, it might be... well, a lot of things really. Since you don't know why, you don't know if it is something that could also harm a new gecko. You don't know if the added stress of a new gecko might be enough to make the one you already have even worse than he currently is. Until you know those things and fix his problems, it would be irresponsible to get a new one. That's all they're saying.

Being a good owner means caring for your animal, meeting its needs and keeping it safe and healthy. It doesn't mean nothing can ever go wrong, good owners can run into bad situations and can make mistakes. It happens. Really good owners will try to fix them. People here are offering to help you do that, you might want to consider letting them.
I am letting them help me but this thread was referring to if I should add another gecko, and now I know I wont because all I am getting his people harassing me.


New Member
Good idea, just insult the whole forum and discredit what everyone else has said in this thread.

Then there we go, the perfect reason not to get another one.


Anyone who now see's that will probably never buy from you. That is, whatever the opposite of advertising is, Anti-advertising?, De-Advertising? ... i don't know just making up words..

What!?! ... it can still be avoided. There are just as good of ways to learn your mistakes WITHOUT killing your pet. Don't tell him that 'if the gecko dies its fine'... because it's not. If the gecko dies, then it hasn't been looked after properly. Clearly. So its not fine.

Also, just one more thing, Where did a 14 year old get 400 dollars from!?!?!
There's a few things to me that don't add up. This just being one of them.
I got the money from my mom she's been a big help with my gecko. I also get money from my dad for child support pay.


New Member
Besides all the craziness of this thread, I think people have missed an important fact. The hemi-pene of a lizard is not the ejaculatory organ. It is more or less a grappling hook to stay attached to the female so he can deposit the sperm. If your vet removes a hemi-pene the animal can still mate, as it is just a "blind sac."
Okay, well he's got nothing down there anymore just a vent. but it doesn't matter I don't want to get another gecko because all people do is say I'm a bad owner when I am trying my very best to make him healthy.


New Member
Wow. This kid has been told for over two years how to take care of the gecko. This is cruelty to animals. No regard for the safety of a living creature. This disgusts me. I regret giving him advice or even trying to help. People like OP, no matter what age, make me sick.

Okay, you don't need to get this out of context. I know how to care for my animal, he was fine for two years then these problems occurred.. so really you need to stop talking if you don't know the facts.


New Member
Wow. This kid has been told for over two years how to take care of the gecko. This is cruelty to animals. No regard for the safety of a living creature. This disgusts me. I regret giving him advice or even trying to help. People like OP, no matter what age, make me sick.

His Gecko is always sick, tomorrow there will be a new thread about how his gecko is sick and then a week later another one after that.... and yet remarkably every time someone gives him advice it magically has no bearing and then once again the gecko gets sick.... you can either go along with it and get all up tight or have a little fun like I do with these pointless threads. Relax, I am not a negligent gecko owner. Nothing I have said in this thread should be taken seriously.

You always come into my threads with all this negativity and drama, if you're not going to help then why even waste your time posting. I mean seriously. So don't bother helping me because your advice is from now on invalid.
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