Getting a Leopard Gecko!


New Member
what cowboy said, It's possible that the store could have just received a fresh shipment of hatchlings. They may not be showing symptoms yet but can easily already be infected.

Exactly. As many know, I learned that lesson the hard way. Please save yourself the same hassle. Buy from a store that keeps one per enclosure or buy from a breeder. And CHECK THE POOP! Make sure they're going and it looks healthy.


New Member
As far as I know, most people don't use heat lamps at all. They really don't do any good for them, as leos in the wild don't come out from hiding until late in the day when the sun starts to set. Leos do fine with lower temps at night. I think people only use the heat lamps if they live in a very cold climate and their UTH doesn't do the job. I highly suggest getting your tank set up and monitoring it for a day or 2 before you get the leo. Monitor the temps closely. It is more likely that your UTH will get too hot than too cool. I use a lamp dimmer as a thermostat on one of my tanks. For the other tank, I got the Zoo Med Repti Temp thermostat. I check them a few times a day to make sure they stay at about 90 degrees.

Just for the record, I got both my geckos at pet stores. I got Toon from Petco in early February, and my fat tail gecko, Hugzor, came from a reptile store. They're super healthy!
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New Member
My Nefertiti came from the other large chain pet supply store. However I called in advance and asked when they got their gecko shipments in. I arranged to show up early before opening to pick up the most alert/healthy/adventurous one out of the batch. She's doing very well today at two months old with no problems what so ever. There are many petstore success stories, but there are an equal amount of horror stories. Its a gamble.

If you're worried about shipping and buying from a breeder, there are many caring hobbyist on these forums who breed for the love of it. They are very concerned about the health/safety of their leo's and the quality of their reputation. You should make a thread to get in contact with a breeder here, I know that's what I'm doing for my next leo,


New Member
There were only 2 in the tank. I just found out today that somebody I know has leopard geckos. They have a heat lamp and their geckos are 6 years old...I'm just kinda stuck in the middle of what to do here. Oh and the worker said they were about to get a new shipment in so if the geckos were the last of the batch and were healthy,I don't see a reason why I shouldn't get one from them???


New Member
There were only 2 in the tank. I just found out today that somebody I know has leopard geckos. They have a heat lamp and their geckos are 6 years old...I'm just kinda stuck in the middle of what to do here. Oh and the worker said they were about to get a new shipment in so if the geckos were the last of the batch and were healthy,I don't see a reason why I shouldn't get one from them???

If they are the last of a tank full I would steer clear of them. And the employee telling you they are healthy means absolutely nothing. They may be completely fine but it's a very risky gamble when there are petstores that actually keep them properly (one per tank) and countless breeders online.
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New Member
I have never saw more than 2 in the tank though. I didn't even know what they were but I always used to look at them on the way to get stuff for my fish. I'm not as worried about getting the Gecko right now because I want to get the tank set up first. I'm just stuck as far as heating goes..


New Member
I have never saw more than 2 in the tank though. I didn't even know what they were but I always used to look at them on the way to get stuff for my fish. I'm not as worried about getting the Gecko right now because I want to get the tank set up first. I'm just stuck as far as heating goes..

A UTH is a must. That's basic tank setup 101. Get a red light also for any additional heal regulation and mainly for viewing. Do not get a light as your main source of heat.


New Member
There were only 2 in the tank. I just found out today that somebody I know has leopard geckos. They have a heat lamp and their geckos are 6 years old...I'm just kinda stuck in the middle of what to do here. Oh and the worker said they were about to get a new shipment in so if the geckos were the last of the batch and were healthy,I don't see a reason why I shouldn't get one from them???

Yes, there are some people that do use them and it doesn't seem to harm the gecko. With that being said, leos can often survive for quite awhile in various different conditions, even suboptimal care, because they are very hardy animals. Consider this: I've read stories about leos that escaped their enclosure and lived weeks, even months, and were found alive. Maybe a little skinny, but alive. :main_laugh:

I'm not saying that the people you know don't take good care of their leos or anything. They are doing something right if they have lived that long! It's just that heat lamps are simply not necessary in most situations.

As long as the leos have a heat gradient with a cool area to escape to, a heat lamp is probably not going to kill them. I've heard they can stress the leo out at the very least. If you feel you should use a light, use a red bulb. Ask your friends why they use a light. My sister and her fiance also have a leo, and they chose to use a light, though I think mostly just in winter. They live in an old house that gets very cold. Regardless, the most important thing is belly heat provided by an undertank heater.
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New Member
Wolcott, CT
Petcos are ALL DIFFERENT. The animals health is different depending on the staff at that particular store. I'm not going to say that because these looked healthy that they definitely are, but if you want to try it, there are several owners on this site who have successfully raised them to an old age from a petco or petsmart. I know the geckos at my petco are well taken care of because there are 3 employees that own reptiles themselves.

Just read up on what to look for and if you have ANY doubt, then plan to get one from the next batch or somewhere else.

Also, get a UTH first, and if you feel that it's getting too cold at night, you can buy the night lamp. But most people don't even feel it's necessary.
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New Member
Well I'll get one since this many people think I should. My only concern is that it will get too hot for the gecko. And today I bought one of the terrarium liners for the tank flooring(its made of something like felt).Will the uth work ok with this flooring? Finally, should I only heat a corner or half of the tank? The reason I trusted this lady is because she seemed very knowledgeable and has bearded dragons and even has leopard geckos.


New Member
Well I'll get one since this many people think I should. My only concern is that it will get too hot for the gecko. And today I bought one of the terrarium liners for the tank flooring(its made of something like felt).Will the uth work ok with this flooring? Finally, should I only heat a corner or half of the tank? The reason I trusted this lady is because she seemed very knowledgeable and has bearded dragons and even has leopard geckos.
Uh, most said steer clear of petco or at the very best it's a risk...


New Member
The store I am talking about is NOT PETCO.It's called Pet Supplies Plus...

Whoah chill out dude. Regardless, most agree buying from a petstore that keeps multiple in a single enclosure is a risk if not a bad move all together.


New Member
I am not using any exclamation marks or punctuation of that nature that indicates that I'm mad. I did not show any indication of aggravation or anger. You chill out dude;) I'm not mad in any way but this is one of my only options unless anybody knows leopard gecko breeders in Ohio that ship pets.


New Member
I am not using any exclamation marks or punctuation of that nature that indicates that I'm mad. I did not show any indication of aggravation or anger. You chill out dude;) I'm not mad in any way but this is one of my only options unless anybody knows leopard gecko breeders in Ohio that ship pets.

You don't have to order from Ohio. Any breeder in the country (or from the links at the top of this site) should be able to next-day it to you.


New Member
Wolcott, CT
Whoah chill out dude. Regardless, most agree buying from a petstore that keeps multiple in a single enclosure is a risk if not a bad move all together.

People were also telling you that when you had bought your second gecko from a petco and returned it for another one from a petco. I'm honestly not trying to start a fight but even you had said you bought the geckos when you saw they weren't in good health.
He's obviously not going to change his mind (he's made it clear he doesn't want to) so it'd be easier if we just stopped arguing.


The employee you asked is probably thinking about dragons, who need lights. Leopard geckos get their heat from their bellies, instead of basking, since dragons are not nocturnal like Leos. But you'll be fine with a UTH that covers about half of the tank give or take.


New Member
Well I'll get one since this many people think I should. My only concern is that it will get too hot for the gecko. And today I bought one of the terrarium liners for the tank flooring(its made of something like felt).Will the uth work ok with this flooring? Finally, should I only heat a corner or half of the tank? The reason I trusted this lady is because she seemed very knowledgeable and has bearded dragons and even has leopard geckos.

The undertank heater needs to take up about 1/3 of the bottom of the tank. It has to be all the way at one end. Also, the terrarium liner you got sounds like reptile carpet. Some people use this, but I personally wouldn't suggest it. I used it for Toon for a couple weeks when I first got her and her toes were always getting stuck on it. I switched to brown paper lawn bag, my spin-off of newspaper. I use a lamp dimmer (from Home Depot or Lowe's) as a thermostat. If you get one, make sure you're looking for a lamp dimmer and not a light dimmer; 2 different things. Your UTH plugs right into it, and you use it to adjust the temp as needed. And also..Petco and Pet Supplies Plus. Pretty much one in the same.


New Member
People were also telling you that when you had bought your second gecko from a petco and returned it for another one from a petco. I'm honestly not trying to start a fight but even you had said you bought the geckos when you saw they weren't in good health.
He's obviously not going to change his mind (he's made it clear he doesn't want to) so it'd be easier if we just stopped arguing.

Exactly. I'm telling him from experience to not make the same mistake or at the very least same risk.


New Member
I'm getting a UTH for sure and I will shop around online for geckos. I also still have a chance at my local pet store but they aren't open until tomorrow or Tuesday.


New Member
Wolcott, CT
Exactly. I'm telling him from experience to not make the same mistake or at the very least same risk.

Yes, you're arguing with him when we told you to get one from a breeder when you were on your second sick gecko. But you insisted on buying yet another one from petco.

If he gets this gecko and it ends up being sick, then you have every right to tell him that he should skip the store bought geckos and get one from a breeder, but you're being awfully hypocritical right now.

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