Getting out of the gecko game for awhile.


New Member
So my title says it all, I am getting out of the gecko game for awhile. My family and I may be moving out of state in the next few months and as much as I would like to hang onto my leopard gecko Marty, It was a choice of hanging onto my leo and my turtles or hanging onto both of my beardies. So, Im putting little Marty out on the market for sale. Im not advertising here. I know nobody really knows me to well because I never really posted much. I just wanted to let everyone know im stepping out of the gecko scene for awhile. I posted him for sale with his tank and all of his supplies, hides and decor up for sale for $100 and have already got a potential buyer.

Again, This post is not an advertisement or a buy my gecko speech. I just wanted to let everybody know that I will be away from the gecko part of my reptile hobby for awhile.
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Active Member
Southern Illinois
Hope Marty gets a good home :main_yes: You can always step into leopard geckos again later :D Have a safe move; hopefully, all goes well and you like the new place!



New Member
Thanks. Im definately excited about the move. My dad actually flew out today to go to Nebraska (where we are potentially moving to) he's got a job interview with his friend tomorrow at his friends company that he used to work for before he moved down to Florida. If he doesnt get in there, he's got like 3 other places he's going to go bring his resumme to. I guess he's looking at houses while he's up there as well. I guess once I get up there and settled in I'll look back into possibly getting another Leo or maybe trying a crestie once im there and settled in, but there's no guarentee.


New Member
I will be creeping around the site and posting on this topic up until I rehome Marty and then I'll probably stick around for awhile longer before stepping away for awhile.

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