yea gaints you will see a difference in by weight. Like a 2 month old is 15 grams. talk to nevin he sells them
Weight can help identify Giants as well as length and build. There are a lot of huge Leos that are giant size but not genetic Giants so the only way to know for sure is by knowing the genetic history of the gecko.
Giants weigh close to 100. So your Leo is probably a Giant. Super Giants weigh 120 and above.
But Giants don't vary in size as much as other non Giant Leopard Geckos. Giants usually stay between 100 and 115 grams
Originally Posted by Mel&Keith View Post
Weight can help identify Giants as well as length and build. There are a lot of huge Leos that are giant size but not genetic Giants so the only way to know for sure is by knowing the genetic history of the gecko.
agreed mel. it's just not weight. anyone can have a fat gecko but most of them are not genetic giants