Good beginner Day Gecko?


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I've decided I no longer want a leo. I really want a pet that you can observe more but I don't like fish. I've taken an interest in Day Geckos and Green Anoles since they are "look-don't-touch" reptiles. I do understand Day Geckos cannot be handled because of their delicate skin which is perfectly fine with me. I've heard there a couple of species that are good for beginners and that they make excellent pets if properly cared for. I am currently doing research on them and their care.

What are some good beginner day gecko species?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
My first day gecko was a gold dust day gecko and I still have her after 6 years. The only problem is that she's very reclusive and I rarely see her (so it's hard to "observe"). I also have a P. klemmeri who comes out a little more and will lick nectar from my fingers. You might be able to see a giant day gecko better. In any case, I recommend "Day Geckos in Captivity" by Leann and Greg Christenson. I got this book and wore it out reading about lighting and enclosures which were extremely helpful. The last part of the book consists of species profiles of all the Phelsuma species.
(You could also consider L. williamsi which are not phelsuma, but are day geckos that are small and interesting. THe males are electric blue.



Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I recommend either Gold Dust or Peacock for the smaller species, and Madagascar Giants and Standing's for the larger. Especially Standing's, they're very hardy and can become quite tame. They also are the only species that won't attack juveniles of their own species due to the different coloration/markings. Once the young ones change though they are considered rivals and attacked. Good species to work with and very prolific.

Whatever species you choose, as long as you provide a good environment and the proper lighting Phelsuma do very well and are easily kept. They are rather territorial so pairs only for most species but they require little maintenance and are fun to watch.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
Thanks for your help you guys :) . I'm considering getting either a Gold Dust Day or Madagascar Giant Day. I'm going to continue to do my research and I'm going to buy that book you recommended, Ac. Thanks again guys :)

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