Good News!


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
This is probably better suited to the off-topic forums, but it does involve leopard geckos.

I'm glad to say that after all my complaining about the care problems in the reptile section of my former place of work, the pet store, they have finally cleaned it all up. Not only have they decreased the amount of reptiles they are caring for (which allows better, easier care for the few they have), they have increased the amount of reptile items they carry. Tanks are cleaned regularly, all the reptiles and amphibians look healthy and happy - even if some are still kept in too small a tank with different species. :\ All the tanks now have heat gradients and thermometers. The amphibians and tropical species are misted several times a day.

The leopard geckos are all older ones - no hatchlings. And although they are all kept in the same tank - I counted at least 5 in the same thirty gallon. They all had fat tails and their color, while obviously not as bright as it could have been, looked good overall. They were also kept on reptile carpet! :D

They also had a beautiful giant Madagascar Day gecko! I made with the grabby hands, but I don't know much about them and I'm definitely not set up to care for a tropical species.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that sometimes all it takes is lots and lots of complaining to the right people to get results. lol


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
This is probably better suited to the off-topic forums, but it does involve leopard geckos.

I'm glad to say that after all my complaining about the care problems in the reptile section of my former place of work, the pet store, they have finally cleaned it all up. Not only have they decreased the amount of reptiles they are caring for (which allows better, easier care for the few they have), they have increased the amount of reptile items they carry. Tanks are cleaned regularly, all the reptiles and amphibians look healthy and happy - even if some are still kept in too small a tank with different species. :\ All the tanks now have heat gradients and thermometers. The amphibians and tropical species are misted several times a day.

The leopard geckos are all older ones - no hatchlings. And although they are all kept in the same tank - I counted at least 5 in the same thirty gallon. They all had fat tails and their color, while obviously not as bright as it could have been, looked good overall. They were also kept on reptile carpet! :D

They also had a beautiful giant Madagascar Day gecko! I made with the grabby hands, but I don't know much about them and I'm definitely not set up to care for a tropical species.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that sometimes all it takes is lots and lots of complaining to the right people to get results. lol

Wow, for once a problem store actually took advice from someone with experience. Don't see that often. Grats on your accomplishment. :main_thumbsup: It's a shame more don't clean up their act.

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