GoodBye Sheba Sue



Thanks so very much Emily
I am sure that the both Sheba's are running and playing across the Rainbow Bridge

I love the flower garden-the plants have caught and they are starting to show some growth already

I know that it will be a while before I won't think that I see her out if the corner of my eye-sleeping on the bed watching me as she did for years I sat at the computer ...
Or thinking about always having to tell her to move over because she was taking up the whole bed...

It will be a while before the hole in my heart heals but I am trying to remember all of the wonderful years that we had together

Some days are harder than others........



New Member
I can't believe I missed this thread for so long. I've been following Sheba's story too. It's strange how you can feel attached to an animal you haven't met but you hear about. I can tell by your posts and pics that Sheba was a beautiful, strong and kind girl, and that you loved her with all your heart. I'm truly sorry to hear she has passed away :(

I'm sorry to hear that about the little robin too, but we all know baby birds are difficult to take care of.


Senior Member
Sandy I Sandy, I, believe the same as you. That you have to honor the 8 years of memory that you had with Sheba Sue, rather than the 1 second you lost her. I know that is what she would have wanted you to do, and I’m glad that you are. However we all know it takes some time to heal from these situations, and I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you are doing okay, and please keep us updated on the garden, it looked beautiful so far, and I’m glad you decided to honor her in this way.


Sandra and Halley

Thank you so very much for your lovely thoughts

Yes--Sheba was all that and more
I suppose that beside being a memorial-her flower bed is a last effort to hold on to everything that she was to me
Isn't that one of the purposes of a memorial?

I understood that the baby bird was a gamble and I figured that it came my way for a reason......

I can't thank everyone here enough for your generous outpouring of sympathy and empathy

It really does mean so very much to me



I came across this pic of her

Sheba loved the Snow-she may have not looked too happy in this pic but she couldn't get enough of romping in the snow
Thanks for looking



New Member
Weymouth MA
I'm so sorry. I know there's little worse than losing your trusted buddy. I'll send word up to Boo & Jerry to check in with her & take good care of her in doggie heaven.


Thanks so very much Jeanine

I am sure that she is having loads of fun with all of the other beloved pets that have crossed over the rainbow bridge

OH BTW-Sheba loved cats!!



Sheba was 10 years old!!

A funny thing happened today when I went to my vet to pick up my other dog(Snoopy) meds

I asked her to look up when I had first brought Sheba into see her which was shortly after she was found by my brother-in-laws and she was around 4 months old

Much to my surprise-I was told that she was born in 1998
She was 10 years old when she died-much older than I thought
Tine has a funny way of doing that to ya

For some strange reason now-thinking that she had a good ten years of life actually made me feel a little better

It was a good birthday present
Just thought that I would share this with ya all and thanks so very much for listening



Senior Member
OH BTW-Sheba loved cats!!

hahaha. My dogs always run away, and whelp at the site of them (they both got scratched on the nose by one once. It was declawed, but they are whippy)

I do think it is great about the flower bed.

My dog Abby, use to have a Big Red Ball (that is what we called it, it was actually the type of balls the seals play with I think) that she would play like, as if she was a seal, balancing it on her nose, and what not. She passed 2 years ago at the age of 11 I think maybe 12. The scary thing is, we had the ball, out on our front porch, and it was trapped by a few things lying around it. Keep in mind this ball was on the FRONT porch. Well I don't know how long after she was gone, the ball somehow got into the BACK yard (by the way we own about an acre, and there are two fences separating the back, and front yard), at the very bottom of it, everybody in the house claims that they didn't move it, and that happened three times. Now her Big Red Ball is in the house, as our memorial to her, I just hope the garden give you the same joy, when you look at that, as the Big Red Ball does for me, when I look at it.


I agree Mel-10 years is a good life span for a large dog
Of course it's never long enough -no matter how old they are when they pass

That is really bizarre!
You must have gotten goose bumps when that ball moved around the property like that!



Eric-Thank you so very much

She gave me so much in return

All of the flowers on her grave are growing and I will post an update on her flower garden when it gets a bit more filled in



Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Oh Sandy, I am so sorry about Sheba, she was such a beautiful dog. I was fine reading this thread until I got to the part of you seeing her on the bed watching you, that made me think of little Abbie sitting in her bed watching me, waiting for me to get up so we can go play ball outside. Dang! I am fighting back the tears as we speak! Funny how much these little animals tear at our hearts!


Thank you so very much Jeanne
I still miss her very much

I have found tending her flower bed to be very therapeutic for me

update on flower bed

Snoopy-my male dog kinda trashed my Lilly so I replaced it with a Dahlia

I also added two Orchid Petunia plants
They are the prettiest petunias that I have ever seen


The little plants that I bought are really growing fast with all of the rain that we have had lately



Here is an update of Sheba's flowers
The pic isn't that great and the flower bed is kind of wild-like Sheba herself was


Also-Snoopy my 13 year old lab likes to fertilize the flowers and has broken quite a few of them-but you just don't yell at a 13 year old dog-lol
But all in all-I am very happy with the flowers


Mel&Keith said:
There beautiful, Sandy! I'm sure Snoopy's just trying to help. LOL

Thanks so very much
I know that he is only trying to help
Still-it's hard to believe that it's been over 3 months that she's been gone

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