I've never heard of a gravid gecko having a pinkish colored poop but maybe she ate something that was pink in color. Are you sure it wasn't an egg? Because sometimes they can look pink in color if they were some what recently laid. Thats all I can help you with because this seems to confuse me too. lol
I don't believe the color is coming from the fact that she is gravid. What feeders do you use? Are they gut-loading on anything pink/red in color? Are the feces solid? Does it look like an egg has ruptured?
Sorry for so many questions but we cant really help a whole lot without knowing a little more info on the situation.
A healthy diet is always important but especially for gravid females. They need extra nutrients to have healthy eggs. It is imperative to gutload feeders!!! IF she is able to lay good eggs, she will suffer from lack of nutritional balance and be susceptable to calcium deficieny diseases and likely not gain her weight back. She may not lay good eggs if her health is already declining. She needs proper care as any expectant mother would. Pinkish poop is not good. Can you post photos of her belly and the poop?
I cannot put put pictures on here I tried about 100 times...I only can send the picture of her stomach only by email..She is licking some calcium..