Guide to introducing new Leopard Geckos


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I though I would post a guide for what to do with a new arrival. If you ordered a Leopard Gecko and had him shipped to your home or picked one up from a store, this guide is how I personally rescued one from a pet store, and got him unstressed and use to his new home.

First things first...I setup his new tank with 2 hides, substrate, water and food. I used mealworms on day one because the I was afraid the Crickets would add stress to the new home. I have sure my temps were within range, and that the background was on the tank as well. Once I was completely setup, I placed the box I transfered him in, into the tank. I opened one end and allowed him to walk out on his own.

Day One: Setup Tank, and left him alone completely. Moonlight Bulb on, and no interaction at all. In my basement with no traffic or noises.

Day Two: I fed him 10 fresh mealworms, and 5 crickets. Left him alone completely. No traffic, no interaction, no watching at all.

Day Three: By day three he was finally walking around his new setup all by himself. I then fed him 15 mealworms, and 5 crickets, which he hunted by himself. While feeding him I sat outside the tank for an entire hour, not moving and allowing him to see me. I left him for an hour and then came back and watched him for 2 hours. Allowing him to see by as the "food person".

Day Four: I still haven't handled him at all since Day one. I waited for him to see me, and he came out of his hide knowing I was outside the tank. I then placed 10 Crickets, and 10 Mealworms, which he ate like crazy. I then put my hands against the outside of the tank and he would walk over to the glass and he knew I wasn't a predator. Once he stopped running away from me and came out with me in the room. I then put my hand in the tank and allowed him to walk up to my hand, and smell me/lick me. I kept still and then took my hand out. I put my hand back in the tank for a total of 5 times, and each time he felt comfortable to walk up to my hand, and just touch and lick.

Day 5: I fed him again, and while he was out searching for food, I placed my hand in the tank, and this time, he walked onto my hand. I picked him up for about 2 minutes and allowed him to lick my fingers, and smell me. Then I placed him back in the tank, and dropped two fresh mealworms right in front of him like giving a "dog treat".

After a stressful life, and missing a tail... 5 days from the first time he met me, he seems to be adapting very well, and getting use to me. I think if you take your time, and do what I did the trust goes up a lot faster. Again if you look at my first 5 days of interaction, you will see I held off until he was comfortable with me just being the room, and then allowed him to accept my hand for transportation. If you Gecko doesn't walk up to your hand dont' go after him.

Just my personal experience. Hopefully this will help someone who has a new arrival.
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Wonder Reptiles
What would you like us to say?
This sounds like its your own personal experience. I could tell you some things that I THINK you did wrong, but I don't think thats why you posted this.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I would like to know what I did wrong because I respect everyone's opinions. I know I'm not perfect. And I would like to do it right when I get another Leopard Gecko.


New Member
It sounds like you have just got your leo. You could keep this as a journal. I'm sure people would be interested on your progress and how your leo is doing :) He's lucky to have an owner who cares about him. How long have you had him?


Wonder Reptiles
I wouldnt use any lighting.
Also, its nice that youre being slow and careful, but I think youre giving more credit to your geckos intelligence than needed.


New Member
You should post pictures of your leo and your tank.

You mentioned substrate. Most will recommend that you change to paper towels or ceramic tiles because there is a chance it could lead to impaction, but you probably already know that. From your post, it looks like you have done quite a bit of research already. If you don't, just search for posts with "sand".

There have been many threads around light as well in the Housing section.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I read leopard geckos aren't nocturnal because if that were true they would never come out during the day.

I have read a lot about sand and switched to paper towels today. I want to do tile but need someone to cut the sizes for me.

I've also held off due to my new arrival not being 100% comfortable with me holding her for long periods of time.

She's allowing me to pick her up and hold her for 30 seconds and then wants to jump so I put her back down. And then pick her back up for another minute.
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She's about 4-5 inches with her tail regrowing. Don't know how old she is. Pets tore told me 18 months but I doubt it. Seems real small for 18 months.


Wonder Reptiles
Lighting can cause unnecessary stress. In the wild they burrow away from the sun, they can't go far in your tank.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
Katie. I hope u know I love you and respect you.

I'm gonna take your advice and not use the daytime bulb anymore and just leave the red night light on 24/7 along with UTH.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I just think I should add that leopard geckos are not nocturnal reptiles. They are crepuscular animals, meaning that they are most active during dawn and dusk hours.


New Member
I don't have a tile cutter, either. I just stack them around the tank until all the surface is covered. LOL



James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
What's your best tip for making a new leopard gecko feel at home?

I've been feeding and she's been eating very well and pooping everynight regularly.

She's is still a little scared of me. She will walk on my hand and smell me or lick me but not 100% comfortable yet. She knows I'm the food guy.

Like to ear how you guys would make her feel more at home and more comfortable. Thanks.


New Member
I'm sure she'll be more comfortable in no time. :) My first one who I have had for over a month now is no longer afraid of me. She's always poking her head out when I open the tank or when I'm talking to someone near by. She actually walked right up on my hand on her own yesterday.

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