I recently went to a park that had 1,000s of tiny little frogs and tadpoles. I wondered what ever happened to those little guys. No way they could survive away from their pond. There just were so many of them!
Pacific tree frogs? There seems to be so many tadpoles at the park right now, but i've never seen any frogs there. Lots of them die off or get eaten ):
My Rough-Skinned Newt, Mr. Magoo, was wild caught as a tiny tiny little baby a couple years back. He was on my pateo just wandering around in the rain. It's the only time a newt has found me.
It took weeks to train him to eat out of my hand, but he's a pro now. Had him for around 6 years. I wish I could find more of them. I love newts so much... ;n;
He's so cute! I had fire-bellyl newts when I was really young, but they didn't last long. My mom told me the other day that was because my fiddler crabs were picking on them. Wish I would have known that at the time...they're such cool little critters though, I'd love to get more.