Hatchling Rack and watering option

Do you think condensation in the moist hides can be a water source?

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New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
So I am seeting up a hatchling rack and was trying to conserve room in the tubs. I was thinking that if the moisture in the moist hides could serve as water then i wouldn't have to put a extra cup for water in the hatchling tub. Do you think that a hatchling can get enought water from the condensation in the moist hide? Just a question, I see many of my geckos drinking after i spary the tubs or when i water the plants. Just wanting evryones opinion.


Senior Member
If you don’t have room for water in the tubs then you need bigger tubs. You’ll most likely kill your geckos with that method.


New Member
No as the water in the moist hide will evaporate quickly on the warm side and you should always provide fresh water in the cage at all times.

DLS Reptile

No, put a water dish in their. It only needs to be the size of a 2 liter top but fill it up..


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
If you don’t have room for water in the tubs then you need bigger tubs. You’ll most likely kill your geckos with that method.

I never said that i needed more room just seeing if i could conserve room. The tubs are good for hatchlings. Not going to keep adult geckos in it. Thats why i asked to see if they could get enought water from it because i don't want to do anything bad. I know everything needs water to live so that doesn't need to be answered. I don't keep my moist hides on the warm side anyways so it won't evapurate because of constant heat. Thanks for everyone and all of their positive comments.


dispite of being, i use dishes too

i think sometimes my geckos drink there
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Dishes are not something you cannot use, they are 110% mandatory.


Animal Lover
High Point, NC
Water on the sides of the humid hide can be a water source but not the only source of water. Maybe ditch the humid hide and just spray down the tubs once every day and twice a day during shedding? Just a thought.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
IMO. I would use a shallow water dish and no humid hide. we use rack system with tubs we have a food dish water dish and a hide that is all. when freshly hatched we spray the PT down lightly when they go in their. the water bowl should provide enough humidity for the hatchling to continue to shed properly if not I would recommend a light spray down when you see the hatchling is going into shed.

we have used the rack system for the previous 8 years and have had very few shed problems even with out hatchling nest boxes or spray downs. the only ones that get a humid hide are the females for laying purposes.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I give the babies a humid hide so they have a place to feel secure and for shedding. Babies shed so often and most of the time I dont even notice so its easier to just spray the moist hide once or twice a week than spray the tub. I use bottle caps as water dishes so they dont really hold that much moisture. When the babies are around 20 grams, subadults, I take away the hide and just spray the tub once or twice a week. By this time they dont shed as often and the small tubs hold the moisture along with a large water dish.


Bells Rule!
Wow... I'm about to rock all of your worlds... I don't use water dishes for any of my geckos... From hatchlings to adults... Have done this with babies for three years and two for adults... I find water dishes are messy and obviously unnecessary as long as hides and sides of their bins are misted a few times a week...

Western Gecko

New Member
Wow... I'm about to rock all of your worlds... I don't use water dishes for any of my geckos... From hatchlings to adults... Have done this with babies for three years and two for adults... I find water dishes are messy and obviously unnecessary as long as hides and sides of their bins are misted a few times a week...


Yup, I know some very experienced breeders that do this and everything works out fine...
I keep a water dish in my tubs to keep the humidity up as I live in a very dry area but it's not used for drinking.

It's amazing the garbage some people are posting. If you're just repeating something that you've read you're really not adding anything to the subject...

BTW, I have never ever misted a leopard gecko tub and I've never had a leopard gecko with a shedding issue.
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It's a BEAUT Clark!
Lol Mike..."Wow... I'm about to rock all of your worlds..." that just cracked me up.

I have to say that I'm intrigued. I will not be getting rid of my dishes, as I've seen many of my geckos make use of them, but I have to admit, that is very interesting!!!! The fact that you've been doing it for years and have had no problems proves it can be done. I'm very curious to see other's opinions on that one.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri

Yup, I know some very experienced breeders that do this and everything works out fine...
I keep a water dish in my tubs to keep the humidity up as I live in a very dry area but it's not used for drinking.

It's amazing the garbage some people are posting. If you're just repeating something that you've read you're really not adding anything to the subject...

BTW, I have never ever misted a leopard gecko tub and I've never had a leopard gecko with a shedding issue.

Yes, the replies i am getting now are alot differant then the ones I got early in the thread. I was getting told that I would KILL my geckos. I guess every gecko has a water dish in the wild, lol!

Peoples comment are always repeated by people who can't come up with anything of there own. They post something and then want it deleted because they realized that they gave uneducated information in which they didn't think about. Its one of the things that comes with forums. People wanting to think they know alot but know nothing at all. The people that come up with good questions get attacked or vented on by them.

Wow... I'm about to rock all of your worlds... I don't use water dishes for any of my geckos... From hatchlings to adults... Have done this with babies for three years and two for adults... I find water dishes are messy and obviously unnecessary as long as hides and sides of their bins are misted a few times a week...

That was my thought on the whole thing but I wasn't for sure and wanted to ask and see what the KNOWLEDGABLE people thought. To me a gecko would be able to to sustain with the water from condensation or spraying the hides. I'd say that some of the people that have already voted would change their opinion if once they saw what everone thinks.

Thanks everyone who gave positive information and were willing to say what they think in a good mannor. Alot of people can't give info and keep it decent or nice.


New Member
Peoples comment are always repeated by people who can't come up with anything of there own. They post something and then want it deleted because they realized that they gave uneducated information in which they didn't think about. Its one of the things that comes with forums. People wanting to think they know alot but know nothing at all. The people that come up with good questions get attacked or vented on by them.

Just curious if this is in reference to the post that got deleted in this thread?
I have dishes in some cages and others I do not. i have a group that has a female that loves to lay eggs in a water dish. I mean she is addicted to it. LOL. I take the dish out and mist instead and BAM she lays in the box.

I have a smaller collection of about 50 geckos so at this time I feel I can give each age the care daily it needs. If it gets to the point where I can not get to each cage everyday then I may stick dishes in them all again.

I do keep dishes in with my grow up geckos though.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I guess this is a good lesson that there's a variety of different methods that can work. I have most of my geckos in glass enclosures and use a rack as an overflow for babies (to give you an idea what kind of season this has been, my overflow rack is just about full). The geckos in the enclosures get water dishes and humid hides. The hatchlings in the racks get water dishes (jar lids) only; it seems pretty humid in there already. On the other hand, I have a tank with 3 African fat tails that have a water dish, but get misted every morning. They seem to prefer to drink this way. As a matter of fact, the male comes out in the morning as soon as he hears me in the living room.



60 miles south of Chicago
I use shoebox sized enclosures for my hatchlings on my rack (as most do), and I use a soda cap for water and a soda cap for calcium without D3.
I use a small plastic worm dish from superior enterprises for food in each enclosure, and they have one hide which is a humid hide.

Most of my hatchlings just knock over their water (and their calcium), but I keep the caps in there anyway and fill them as needed.

As babies, I find, they like to feel more confined and don't utilize the room in their enclosures until it comes time for me to swoop them out for cage cleanings.
Then the little devils are ALL OVER THE PLACE.:main_laugh:

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