Hatchlings Update

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New Member
Ok this is just an update for everyone I do not want this to be a discussion got them into the vet he says it is MBD but could have been something that has just started and said Calcium and a good diet should do wonders for them this is the last thing I am posting on them unless things take a turn for the worst. Please no discussion or arguing in this one and thanks to everyone who helped me out

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I'm glad to hear that they are doing better. No discussion of the transaction will be tolerated, consider that your only warning for anyone that wants to drag it back up.


New Member
I'm glad that you got them into the vet today, and that they should be able to overcome the mbd easily thru a proper diet. I went back into the other thread to see if you posted what happened at the vets but for some reason it got closed..

Thank goodness your little leos will be ok. They are very pretty leos too, congrats on the good news from the vet...


New Member
Thank you for posting the information on the video asking if what we saw was MBD and this should be a learning lesson for the moderators to not lock a thread down when the information from a hands on professional Vet visit was the information needed to clear up an issue as important as MBD. Without your post we would have never known the truth.

Now that I and others have seen this disease you posted in the video, we can contact a Vet if we she those signs in ours. I wish your Leo's a quick and healthy recovery.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I went back into the other thread to see if you posted what happened at the vets but for some reason it got closed.

Thank you for posting the information on the video asking if what we saw was MBD and this should be a learning lesson for the moderators to not lock a thread down when the information from a hands on professional Vet visit was the information needed to clear up an issue as important as MBD. Without your post we would have never known the truth.

Now that I and others have seen this disease you posted in the video, we can contact a Vet if we she those signs in ours. I wish your Leo's a quick and healthy recovery.

The signs of and treatment for MBD are well known and documented in dozens of threads, all you could ever want to know about it is available with a click of the search button. The other threads were locked because they were being used in violation of the TOS to trash a breeder. I know you two are trying to get as close to the line as possible without actually breaking the rules and it needs to stop now. The next post complaining about the thread being locked or subtly trying to drag up the bashing from the old threads will be met with a suspension.

Keith N

New Member
Lottsburg, VA.
The signs of and treatment for MBD are well known and documented in dozens of threads, all you could ever want to know about it is available with a click of the search button. The other threads were locked because they were being used in violation of the TOS to trash a breeder. I know you two are trying to get as close to the line as possible without actually breaking the rules and it needs to stop now. The next post complaining about the thread being locked or subtly trying to drag up the bashing from the old threads will be met with a suspension.

The breeder trashed himself and what happened to a "discussion board" as the seller was clearly involved in the discussion process of what transpired?


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
Im glad that it is known whats wrong now. Though it might not be the fault of the breeder that they have MBD since some geckos do not process calcium and Vit D well which leads to calcium absorption problems hence MBD can creep in. I hope they make a full recovery and hope that its just a fluke that this happened. Good luck with these babies they are cuties.


New Member
The signs of and treatment for MBD are well known and documented in dozens of threads, all you could ever want to know about it is available with a click of the search button. The other threads were locked because they were being used in violation of the TOS to trash a breeder. I know you two are trying to get as close to the line as possible without actually breaking the rules and it needs to stop now. The next post complaining about the thread being locked or subtly trying to drag up the bashing from the old threads will be met with a suspension.

i never complained about the thread being closed, I thought it was still active until I checked and saw it was closed so I looked and found this thread. I'm not complaining or trying to bring up the bashing one bit at all.
I posted here because I'm glad to hear the animals are doing ok. I don't think you should point me out and threaten me with a suspension, i've done nothing wrong at all like you said in your post i have not broken the rules.

I don't see how this is a forum and I tell some congrats on the good news then I get pointed out as trying to start trouble.
Well whatever. To the thread starter congrats on the good news, I look forward to pics if the lil leos growing and doing better please keep us updated with their progress, and thanks for letting us know what the vet said..

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
The breeder trashed himself and what happened to a "discussion board" as the seller was clearly involved in the discussion process of what transpired?

This discussion board has a set of rules called the TOS, which includes the following:

Personal Attacks Against Individuals or Companies
The GeckoForums.net Administration understands the importance of reputation feedback in the reptile industry, and members are encouraged to utilize the trader rating system to leave feedback for other users on the forum.

Posts and threads commenting on any business or individual with regards to their business and/or reptile husbandry ethics are not allowed on GeckoForums.net. This includes complaints about retail pet stores.

Also, antagonism towards the Moderators of GeckoFourms.net will not be tolerated.


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
I'm glad to hear they're doing well! If the vet didn't already give you something, I would highly suggest picking up some Bone Aid liquid calcium to give them a boost. They should be up to snuff in no time ;). Good luck!! I'm glad it was caught early.

Keith N

New Member
Lottsburg, VA.
This discussion board has a set of rules called the TOS, which includes the following:

Woah there Great Oz. I never attacked anyone so please do not post that I did here are my exact posts.

"Funny how you post in the classifieds all the time but dis the site when something doesn't go right. "

"Until a vet sees it and makes a report you cant make any judgement that I will agree with you on, But I would be very interested to see what the turnout is as you should be too. I comend you for making it right with the buyer and refunding the money but there are also some things that were not done properly in some peoples eyes and being so negative and defensive may not help with other people that were/are going to purchase from you. You should be insisting that they make it to a vet so the report can make it right if there was nothing wrong with them when they left your place. "

I have not once violated any rule thank you. If at all I was trying to help his cause during this. I am just stating that you closed the first thread before it was resolved and then urged the member to open another which was quickly closed and then they opened this one. I am glad the leos will be o.k. but I would like to know of some things before we make a purchase from anyone on here and sometimes that is the way it happens.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
The TOS quote was directed at the general tone of the previous threads and meant to address your question of "what happened to a discussion board?" My intent was not to say that any post of yours was in violation. I closed the first post because a couple of people would not stop bashing the breeder, and the second shortly after because they continued on from the first thread in there. This is not the place for that sort of discussion, the BOI on faunaclassifieds is.
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