Hatchlings Update

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New Member
It's really gotten out of hand and has caused a user to get banned. I've been threatened with a suspension for doing nothing wrong at all and someone else got banned.

I'm happy to hear that the leos got a good report from the vet and that's all that matters here. To the thread starter please keep us updated and let us know how your leos are doing. I bet your very happy to hear that they will be ok, and I'm happy to..

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
This thread is being closed for two reasons...
One, the OP said he would have no problem with it being closed and two, all the relevant information was already posted...

If anyone one has a problem with this thread being closed, they can leave me a note in my complaint box located inside the trash can... Thanks and have a great day...

It's really gotten out of hand and has caused a user to get banned. I've been threatened with a suspension for doing nothing wrong at all and someone else got banned.

Just for the record, people do not get banned or suspended for no reason... When it happens to people, it is because they were not following the T.O.S. on numerous occasions...
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