Fido hissed at me twice today. He did drink and ate two pinkies though. I'm so bummed about the hissing and lunging. It's not helping me get over my snake fear.
Kristi, you will not get bitten... They bluff... A few days of handling and he will get over it... Actually they usually do this as you are going to pick them up but once in your hand, they chill out... Seriously, dont worry about it... They do calm down and become great pets... Besides their bite generally does not hurt... Just ask my 5 year old daughter who got mistaken for food... LOL...
I will take pics of my Mexicans in my hands all hooded up, hissy, and bluff striking but never once attempt to bite...
Thanks everyone. It really freaked me out since he didn't do it last week at all. Hopefully he'll get used to me and I'll get used to him, too. I still think he's really cool!
I was really nervous when I got my snake too. Its amazing though how much more relaxed I have gotten by working with him alot. I have noticed though that when he is on his cool side that he isnt usually very happy when I am around. Just keep working at it and I am sure he will settle over time. My baby leos are not usually very happy with me either when they are young.
I took Fido out to eat and drink again last night and he was better this time. No hissing and I even held him for a minute before he took off on me again. He ate another 2 pinkies. That makes 4 in 5 days! I'm not really sure how many to feed him at a time. Brad, the breeder, said he was eating one large pinky a week. My pinkies are pretty small. Fido is such a good eater, too. It takes him less than a minute to get the whole thing down and he looks for the second one right away.
Yeah, when I first got mine it would be in the strike stance and shake the tip of his tail really fast... But NEVER struck at me! What I would do when it did that was, I'd get something long to pick it up and then put it in my hand. I did that a couple times and he stopped with all the bluffs. Try that out.