Heat Tape Malfunction and almost a FIRE!!!!


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
I ordered AP racks (including heat tape) 10 months ago. Thank God I was home tonight and smelt a funny plastic burning scent when feeding the geckos. I turned off the heat source and noticed that on one of my racks the heat tape started to burn into the PVC and was melting the plastic! (an an isolated spot about 3" across).

I have Ranco thermostats controlling the temp (one as a back up) as well as a power surge protector on the outlet I'm using.

I thought I used all of the precautions and I'm just so horrified there could have been a fire if I was not home!

What do you think could have cause this malfunction? Is it normal to have heat tape go bad after a certain amount of time? What further precautions can I take?

Thank you so much everyone! I'm so sad my geckos have to go without heat for a few days but I'll try to not let the room get chilly. I have 48hr. heat packs and may have to buy more until I can get more heat tape. Personally, I think I might be too scared to continue using this stuff now! :( Help!

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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Is it normal to have heat tape go bad after a certain amount of time?
YES! I have had two very close encounters with heat-tape meltdowns. I love my AP racks, and now use heat cable, too. This is a horrifying experience, and not one I would wish an anyone!


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
I have heard a few stories like this which is why I use heat cable.


Oh.. so is heat cable safer than heat tape? Do you think I will be able to install it into an AP rack? Also, can you use probes on it for a thermostat just like heat tape?

Sorry for all the dumb questions... it's just that I have no clue! :'( I really thought heat tape would be Ok to use.

ugh... I can't get these plastic fumes out of my room.


Hampton, GA
Good thing you were home! Glad no one was hurt and disaster was averted :)
What's the expected life of heat tape? I've had my rack for almost 2 years now and it's still the same tape on there from when I built it.
I'm about to build a second rack... I may have to rethink a few things now >.<


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
Ok, I was given this advice from AP- they are so quick to respond, I love it!

"Hi Melissa-
Thank you for checking in! We are very sorry to hear about the heat tape!
It sounds like you have everything set up well. The only thing we would
recommend is using a proportional thermostat instead of an on/off style
thermostat. The on/off thermostats turn the heating element completely off
and back on at full power so frequently in order to maintain the set
temp, especially in the case of a direct heat source like belly heat, that
it can be hard on the heating element over time.
Proportional thermostats (such as Herpstat or Helix) will slightly dim or
increase the heat in order to maintain the set temp which is much easier
on the heating element over time. It is also recommended that you place
the thermostat probe directly on the heat tape for the best control (if
you don't have it there already).
The only other things to watch for is making sure that the heat tape is
not pinched or creased and is not damaged anywhere (wear on the coating,
The material that the racks are made with is a self extinguishing material
making it extremely fire resistant. However, the material will start to
soften when it reaches about 140 degrees.
Thanks again Melissa!! Please let us know if you have any questions.



I had the probes directly taped to the heat tape as well. I never though on/off thermostats would be rough. I have a Vivarium Electronics proportional thermostat that I got for my incubator... maybe I can hook that up to my rack and use the Ranco doubles as a back up & incubator thermo.

My dilemma now is trying to figure out of the heat cable will fit into the groves meant to hold heat tape on the Animal Plastic Economy line. Does anyone know if heat cable works safely with these racks? I'm not a very good diy person when it comes to construction so bear that in mind when giving me advice. lol! :)

Thanks all!


Wonder Reptiles
I had a fire when I was away on vacation. I came home to a smokey house. 3 fire trucks later...I would say Im scarred for life.
My poor cats :( sick and eye infections for weeks afterwards.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
My general preference is to use heating elements that are covered with some kind of vinyl material. I like the heat cable because the element is covered with vinyl or rubber (hard to tell which). In the same way, I like the zoo-med UTH's because they are covered with something as opposed to some other brands that look like a piece of flexwatt wired up. I don't know if the heat cable would fit where the heat tape usually goes. It would make sense to buy some and try it out. I have one rack that I bought from someone where the heat cable is installed in the back instead of on the bottom. Since they are only 6qt size it works fine. People who build melamine racks usually use a router to cut a channel for the heat cable, though obviously that wouldn't work with plastic.



Oh no! Glad you caught it in time!! DEF something ill remember when I get my rack.. I think ill stick with heat cable :(

Russ S

New Jersey
I'm sorry to hear about your close call. I can't tell you if the heat cable will fit into the grove that is already in the AP racks that were meant for heat tape. I've only ever used the ones with the groove for heat cable.

People who build melamine racks usually use a router to cut a channel for the heat cable, though obviously that wouldn't work with plastic.


I can tell you that there is an approximate 1/4 groove cut into each shelf and the back legs for the heat cable to fit into. This can be cut into the plastic with a router or table saw if you are, or know someone that is, handy with power tools.

Best of luck to you.


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
I don't think the heat cable will fit so I got ALL new heat tape (3" 10 watt). I realized my VE-200 thermostat is proportional but it's pulse NOT dimming. Is this going to put a strain on my heat tape- should I invest in a DIMMING proportional thermostat?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
IT seems to me that by definition a proportional thermostat is dimming since that's the only way it can have the heat partially on, rather than either 100% on or off. Or do you mean something else?



Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
IT seems to me that by definition a proportional thermostat is dimming since that's the only way it can have the heat partially on, rather than either 100% on or off. Or do you mean something else?


Hey Aliza- thanks for your help!

I looked up my thermostat (VE-200) and it said it is a proportional (pulse) thermostat. Not a proportional "dimming"


I just want to reduce the risk of fire in the future and was told by Animal Plastics that on/off thermostats are hard on the heat tape over time and can cause malfunctions/burnouts/etc. That's why I wanted to switch over and use my proportional... but mine's a "pulse" proportional doesn't that mean it's just turning it on and off but at shorter intervals? If so, isn't that just as harsh on the heat tape as an on/off thermostat.

Should I invest in a dimming proportional thermostat or is it not that big of a difference in terms of safety?

(I do have my traditional on/off Rancos currently as a backup thermo and everything is wired into a surge protector outlet).

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