Hello Everyone!


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Hi! I'm Sean! I'm 22 and from Louisiana and own one Leopard Gecko, Tiffany, who is a High Yellow/Normal. She's about a year old (I need a gram scale to see how much she weighs, but she's roughly 9" long with a nice plump tail. Better pics will come tomorrow) and I love her! Hopefully I'll be able to maybe look into getting another one or two at an expo this year.

Here are a couple pics. You can't tell a whole lot from them but the good camera's battery is dead and I wanted to go ahead and post tonight so I used one fairly recent picture from the good camera and a couple with my phone.

This is her just perched up one night on her humid hide. The lamp is reflecting off the front of the glass.

And here she is just resting her head on her on part of one of her old hides, it was really cute!

And this is a blurry picture of her tank with the night viewing light on (because she's out roaming now and I didnt want to just flash the light on her). Its a 20 gallon long with paper towels, a fake plant that she has been intrigued by ever since i put it in there, and a humid hide on the left, and a warm hide on the right with a UTH under it that's left on 24/7 with a rheostat and thermostat to keep it a good temp. oh and a water bowl (concerned about the height, its in the fore-ground, and its new) and a feeding dish by the plant, and a calcium dish by the water. I had water in the feeding dish for the whole first year and then realized its meant for food... Not water.

Long post! Thanks for stopping by! :D


New Member
Welcome to the gecko forums Sean and I can't wait to see some more pictures of Tiffany!! That's the water bowl I use and it's not too tall. =]


New Member
Thanks! Glad to hear it about the water bowl. I wont bother filling up the feeder dish with water anymore (I had been just in case).

Oh and another spot of side info, she eats primarily mealworms although I'm going to see if she'll eat dubias (I wish paypal didn't take so long to transfer funds from your bank to your PP Account, I would order some now but I'm having to wait). It seems much easier to maintain roaches than mealworms as far as colonies go, and I think roaches might be more enticing. She doesn't go after crickets because they're too fast for her (lazy gecko...) and mealworms dont move enough at all to catch her attention unless you play with each worm to make it look like its moving a lot and she'll strike.

So basically she eats mealworms and she's lazy.


New Member
Yeah, sometimes my geckos need me to move their mealies around to get their attention, haha. I want dubias too, but my mom says no, lol! so I pay a gazzillion dollars on crickets when I could be paying a lot less for roaches, haha.


New Member
HillDog said:
Yeah, sometimes my geckos need me to move their mealies around to get their attention, haha. I want dubias too, but my mom says no, lol! so I pay a gazzillion dollars on crickets when I could be paying a lot less for roaches, haha.

I ordered some today (from theroachguy, kind of confused about if they shipped or not though...). I'm going to probably let them breed for a long time and buy new containers for the growth, etc and try to start a nice sized colony for when I buy new leo's in the coming months. Hopefully I'll find something nice at a show! :D

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