hello from new orleans


New Member
hi im new to the leos, i have mostly had snakes. i have a friend that has several and they had my interest. ive been looking around an reading up on them some for a while. i hope to learn plunty from reading and posting on this site. hope to make a couple friends at the same time.

any input as to what morphs the leos i have are please do tell. like i said im new to all this. my friend said none look to really be normals and that one is a eclipse he told me i should go get because the pet store didnt know what they had and 20 bucks was a steal... thanks again for the heads up. you said i should reg. on this site so no telling maybe youll find this.



New Member
haha yeah im sure, like i said im new. and another thing. i dont plan to feed them in the tank with sand. i have a cricket tote im putting crickets in and let them eat all they can in about 10 minutes or so, and i have a cup i put some meal worms in that is in the tank. but when they take them they wont get a mouth full of sand. the bottom on the bowl has calcum power in it.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Very nice looking juvies but why risk keeping them on sand when they are rock dwellers not really sand dwellers? Wish I could help with the morphs but I'm still learning there. Glad you are taking precautions about not feeding them on the sand but it still eeeks me out. The risk just isn't worth it imo. How many do you have in the tank? Altogether? You'll be amazed how much they change color from juvie to adult. Also welcome to the forum:)


Active Member
Southern Illinois

You have a pretty Tremper Stripe and a Tangerine that might become a carrot tail. Please take them off the sand and put them on paper towel or tiles (looks good, too). You can get tiles very cheaply as samples from the Stonelocator, in thousands of different colors.

Don't put the little ones together with your big Eclipse. Their tails look rather thin. Not to scare you, but I bought a leo with exactly such a tail from a pet store once, and it had flagellates and died, and took six other babies with it. Hygiene and disinfection are very important; quarantaine the new ones, put them on appropriate substrate, and monitor whether their feces look okay or whether they have diarrhea. If the latter is the case, you would need to take a fresh stool sample to the vet (about $16-20) for a stain under the microscope, to see if they are parasite-infested. If they are, they will most likely die, because the smaller they are, the harder it is to medicate.

Good luck! They look very pretty, so I hope you got healthy ones.


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