hello hello


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Hi all, I'm new here as well. I'm a 25 year old girl living in rural Arkansas. Animals are my biggest passion in life. I've worked with all sorts of animals for years and years, but I'm still always learning. I think it's a lot different owning them yourself rather than taking care of them in an already set-up place such as a museum or zoo. I'm currently "mom" to five dogs, four cats, a horse, and two leopard geckos. Luckily my boyfriend tolerates my animal obsession. :heart: I've fallen head-over-heals in love with geckos, and I'm hoping to get more in the near future, hopefully even start a little breeding project one day. I work full time in a small local pet store, where I'm the Canine and Feline Nutrition Specialist, and I'll probably be taking over the reptile department soon as well (which makes me sort of nervous, since I don't feel like I'm really an expert like I would want to be, if that makes sense). I hope to gain more knowledge here at GeckoForums.

Anyway, I don't really know what else to say about myself, but I'm looking forward to posting here with everyone. :)


New Member
Welcome! Don't be so nervous about taking over the reptile department. I've heard some absolute horror stories about ill informed people running the reptile sections at pet stores, so the fact that you're here is already a good sign! I'm sure you'll do fine :)


Welcome!! I'm also new here, so far I'm loving it :)

Good luck with the reptile section!!

What kind of dogs do you own? I have a doberman who's 3yrs old and he drives me bonkers sometimes, but I love him to death :)


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Thanks everyone!

Fallupinreverse - thanks for the confidence boost. I know if I set my mind to it and take the time to do my research, I'll feel better about my new title. :) Luckily, the store I work for is a small local store, not one of the big chains, and we have really high standards compared to most pet stores. There's still a lot I wish I could change, and a lot I'm hoping I can change (cause there are certainly some things that I know I can't unfortunately).

Lovey - From largest to smallest, I have:
Kody - 1 year old male Rottie x Lab mix
Riley - 3.5 year old female Pit Bull mix
Wrangler - 2.5 year old female Australian Shepherd mix
Lola - 2 year old female Chihuahua x Jack Russel Terrier mix
and Lulu - 8.5 year old female Chihuahua

They can be a handful at times, but they're my babies. :heart: I never planned on having five dogs, but they're all rescues and came into my life randomly, and I didn't have the heart not to take them in.


Awww! That's so nice that you've taken them in! I wish I lived on a farm or had bigger property so I could take some in also. Would be nice to give some of them a chance who other wise wouldn't have a life at all :( So good for you for taking them in!! I bet they're just big sucks! ;)

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