Hello, humans


New Member
Between two terrariums
My leopard gecko, the Spotted Thing Under The Fake Log (a.k.a. the STUTFL), has a good feeling about this board because it has a :behead: smiley. I asked him what occasion/s could possibly warrant using that smiley enough to make it a deciding factor in selecting a forum, but he just closed his eyes and slowly rotated 180 degrees until I was forced to address any further inquiries to the yellow bowtie marking on his butt. I decided it wasn't worth pressing the matter any further and went to talk with the crickets instead.
Nonetheless, this place does look pretty cool. :cool2: Great, now I have to apologize to the STUTFL ... where can I get half a dozen large crickets at this hour on a Saturday? :wink:


New Member
Between two terrariums
:laugh4: Thanks all for the welcome and the advice ;) ; I'm sure the STUTFL will be relieved I'm actually learning something about his species. He has a sneaking suspicion that I am utterly inept in all I do.
Other than the giving off of heat, of course, for which he must grudgingly adore me.

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