Hello I'm new from Cordova



I never really thought I was a gecko person.... till my neice gave me a baby Crested Gecko, Syd. Wow, fell in love and fell hard for this little guy!!!

Then my daughter bought a different kind of gecko, bright colored with a fat little tail, and low and behold I fell in love with that sweet little Leopard Gecko named Mimosa too.

We have now grown to 18 Leopards and 1 Crested at this time!! I am sure it will grow as time goes on because they are so sweet!! Never really thought that they would be so personable and know when I came home like my dogs, but WOW do they ever!!!

I love animals and these little Geckos are on the top of my list!!!


New Member
oh ok AWESOME!

welcome sandi :D

i am so glad JD is doing well. when ya get time maybe you can get some picks of him? :smitten:

any updates on the geckos that came in so poorly?


Hey Robin

any updates on the geckos that came in so poorly?

I am not sure if I am doing this correctly, but Robin - you asked about the three sick ghastly looking babies that we got... well, Jazmin is doing a wonderful job taking care of them. They all three are still hanging on and fighting ever so much for every breathe they take every day. It is quite sad for me to even look at them and handle them, but when Jaz is away mom must do what she has to do.

But, Illusion (the white one that is the worst) will always (if God be willing) be with Jaz and me. It breaks my heart every time he tries to walk across the cage to his food with his leg all up in the air and bent upwards and crooked and his slithering across the cage unable to lift himself up. UGH - breaks my heart :bigcry:!! Illusion does eat some though, but you really have to make it really easy for him to eat by putting the worms, crickets or gruel right up to his nose because of his handicapped legs and spiralling spine. He does not appear to be in pain (although he cant tell us or grunt), but he puts this little grin on his face when he sees Jazmin. It is so cute!!

And, the purple looking one (hehe, can you tell I am so proper and techinical with their names - white, purple), but the purple one we call "Grape Ape" - he or she has actually taken a turn for the worse and we can not even get it to eat the gruel gunk Jaz concocted for them. Grape Ape just lies all curled up in a corner in a S shape and opens his eyes and closes them. Jaz puts that stuff on his nose and he licks and then thrusts himself everywhere... (he not a very good patient for Nurse Leo!!) But we are trying everything possible for his survival and to put on some sort of weight.

Now as far as the Orange one - she/he is a piglet and is really getting a little fat hefty tail and doing quite well. However, she definitely has a malfunctioning kinked leg and is still quaranteened away from our others, as well as Illusion and Grape Ape are in their seperate hospital wings, but we are hopeful that maybe one day (IF THEY ARE NOT ALL BOYS ) - these three might be able to share a cage together. Jazmin is taking such good care of them and we have gotten so attached to them. We have pretty much came to the conclusion that they will be in our loving arms and home always!!!

As for the pics of JD - I will definitely get Jaz to send you some. I will also get her to throw some pics of all our Leo babies!!!

Sorry for this novel!!! I get carried away talking! :D

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