Hello New here!!


New Member
Hi everyone my name is Melissa I live in WI and have had two leos for about 7months. Bonnie and Cyle are their names. I have recently gotten many requests from my friend on information about care and etc So I have decided I wanted to breed my two. This is my first time but i have done lots of readying. I have a still air incubator all set up and read. and just recently I put a lay box into the cage with moist vermiculite. Bonnie has taken to this box and I hardly ever see her leave! She will usually eat 3-4 crickets a night but since the mateing she has only been eating 1-2. I did give her a few wax worms (I usually save as treats) to Bonnie to get something in her. I powder and gut load all my feeders. I also have a bowl of calcium in the cage that i have seen them lick up!

So my question is is the eating thing normal?? I also worry about the temp in the lay box...is it suppose to on top of the under tank hearter or just under and infared heat lamp. I worry about her geting cold. Any suggestions for me in the coming weeks befoe she lays?? I am going to be using Perlite for the incubation.

Thanks soooo much guys...I just love Leos sooooo darn much!! Any info or direction would be much appreciated!!!!



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. What you describe is normal. It's likely that when she starts laying eggs she'll be hungrier. Some geckos, even though they're starting to breed, are still in winter mode. I put the lay box where I have room for it and don't worry about whether it's on the hot side or the cold side. If she gets too cold, she'll move. If she's not ovulating yet, it's also possible that she's brumating herself by staying on the cold side. I have one female who hasn't moved from the hide on the cold side in quite awhile.
Good luck with your breeding process. Be sure to have the incubator set up, callibrated with the egg containers in there before she lays.



New Member
Thank you guys for the response! I do have the incubator set up and I ran it for a few days to get the temp just right for females and held it there for a good 24hours! Im only on day 14 after seeing them mate so Im thinking Im only going to start to see signs of her being gravid. She does seem a bit rounder and Ive tried looking to see if i could see eggs but all I see are dark lines like veins on her tummy...so Im not real sure what Im looking at!!

I did get her to eat a couple of wax worms last night...but when is it ever hard to get them to eat those!

Well thanks again Im excited I found this forum!

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