Welcome to GF! It does look possible that the gecko is gravid, though I don't know for sure. Note that you accidentally put your post in the "classified" section which means that no one can respond. I've moved it to the "other geckos" section.
Ok, so this morning while i was wetting down their substrate i found one egg. I looked around a ton to see if there were any others. But i only found the one. I put in in a seperate tank with damp substrate and a heat lamp. I am hoping that within a couple weeks a gecko will come out!
It's not unusual for a gecko, especially a first timer to lay only one egg. My first timer did the same thing last week. The egg has the best chance of hatching if it is kept in a humid environment at a steady temperature between 81-88. If your setup can provide that, you will hatch geckos in about 7+ weeks at 81 and 4-5 weeks at 88. If your setup doesn't provide those conditions, the eggs will likely not hatch.