Help Cresteds getting too hot! Fans and thermostats?


New Member
Denton TX
My boys Thirsty and Ginger are in the large exo terra terrarium. It is getting hot in Texas and they went through this with me last summer too. They seemed fine last summer, but I had a crappy thermometer that probably led me to believe it was cooler for them than it was ( not really crappy just vague). I have a digital thermometer now and it is starting to go over 75. I want them under 75. I have an overhead fan on and when it gets worse I put another fan by them. There has to be a better way than this, because it isn't even very hot out yet. The top of the terrarium is screen and the rest is glass. I would ideally like to set the temp a little lower at night. Does anyone use any fans or thermostats? If so which ones? Any ideas. The air conditioner is on too, it just isn't doing too much to cool my boys.
Thanks everyone! :main_huh:


New Member
Virginia, USA
I was under the impression that anywhere from 40-88 was okay for Cresties, the upper end being WAY preferred (Like they will be okay shipping wise above 40). Why would it be better for them to be under 75? Aren't they tropical Geckos? My sister has one and I'd like to know the reasoning behind this.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
They can normally tolerate up to about 80 degrees, once you hit 84 degrees you are in danger zone, lgiths should be flashing and sirens should be going off. This is the hard part of living in a warmer area, and the only reason why I like Ohio we dont get as

The problem with fans is that it quickly dryes out an enclosure, but my first thoght is to use a small computer fan for the top of their enclosure. But now with the dropping humidity you have another problem, so I would consider getting an automatic misting system just to keep it more humid in there as even if you mist them 2-3 times a day, they are going to try out to quickly and to long of a dry spell.

Move them close to the ac is another idea, put them under a vent if it is central air, or closer to the window unit.

Some people in AZ and TX I know use swamp coolers in the rooms with the geckos and it has helped.

If you have a basement try that.

But a thermomstate will not help in this situation unless you are using a light which I am sure if you were you would have turned it off by now.

Lastly you may want to keep an eye on your geckos if they are truely both males. Males tend to fight, which can happen at any time and they dont just nip, they do major damage to one another which is why males should be housed seperately.


New Member
Denton TX

The breeder that I bought my gecko from gave me the second gecko for free so he would have a friend. They were about 3 or 4 months at the time. I would love little babies, but the responsibility of little babies would be too much for me so I am glad they are both boys. I really worry about fights some day. They are really cute together now and they curl up together and get along fine. Thirsty is a little more dominant naturally and Ginger is naturally more passive so there aren't any territorial fights. Thirsty is also a pig and will eat all of the food so I have to watch that. I am really keeping my fingers crossed as right now it is a good social relationship. It would be awful if they hurt each other.

The spot I have them in is a really nice spot, but not the most temperate as it is a little too close to glass patio doors and the light comes in. I am closing the shutters and putting on the air conditioning for now. I can wire a pc fan and spritz more water that is no big deal. I just didn't want to sodder the wires together to a power supply and have it short out on me some day maybe hurting the gecko's. I would rather have a professionally designed fan system.


New Member
Denton TX
Hello again,
To answer the question about temperature:
Crested Gecko's are from New Caledonia and it is a pretty temperate climate. They hang around in leaves (they are arboreal) and aren't out in the bright sun.
I guess they are ok to 80 degrees, but I don't want to get too close to that as at around 85 and up they can die. I love my boys and want to keep them as healthy as possible. Thank you so much for the comments.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
We're in the Houston area so I feel your frustration! The only way we can keep the gecko room below 82-84 in the Summer (when the Central A/C is already on non-stop) is with a window unit. They pull a lot of energy and will cause a noticeable increase in the electric bill but it's the only thing that works at our house.


New Member
Same deal - Houston area. No insight here...just wanted to say you're not alone if figuring these things out! :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
My cresties go into the basement when the (non air conditioned) New England weather gets hot in the summer. I have read that some people freeze water bottles and put them in the cage but you'd have to change them out a few times during the day.


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