
Ok so today I got my 2 geckos ( about 3 inches long ) and i have the heater and hides, no dimmer. What should i do overnight? i dont want the heater to get too hot and burn my geckos. What should i do? its apparently the #1 brand name and best UTH. Its a Zoo Med reptitherm reptile heater.

thanks, please respond asap.


New Member
Miami, FL
What are you using for substrate? If you're using carpet, you can use 2 or 3 pieces of it...or you can pack some paper towels underneath there too for the time being...

Do you have a thermometer to check the floor temps?


Im using newspaper as substrate, and there is no chance of me getting out to buy a thermostat or dimmer. I dont want to burn the leopard geckos, so should i leave the pad off? And no, I dont have a thermometer, but I will get one shortly. Should I just load up the hot side under the heater with thick newspaper to prevent burns for the first night? and also their names are echo, and cupid. Both girls ( cupid has heart shaped spots on his back, but she is very jumpy. Trying to tame her a bit )


New Member
Miami, FL
Oh, I see.

Yeah, without a thermometer i'd be scared to use ANY heat. Honestly, what I would do is just leave it off for the night. Don't worry about feeding or anything, just set them up with everything but. Force yourself to get up early tommorow morning and get a thermostat and a thermometer. I'm sure they'll be okay for a few hours while you get some sleep.

Be very careful with newspaper, it's very thin (obviously), so sometimes it takes quite a bit of it to cover a cage safely. I'd recommend repticarpet or tile. Also, the thermostats you get in the stores are okay, but not wonderful. Maybe you can ask for a nice Helix DBS 1000 for christmas :main_yes:
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Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
If it's the smaller ZooMed, 4 or 8 watt, it will probably be fine, I run them unregulated on a few of my snakes, and actually have to use a supplemental heat lamp during the day to get temps high enough.


Its a medium size (8 watt) i stacked the hot side with papertowels and its been on for a good 1-2 hours, doesnt get THAt hot. And I got school tomorrow morning so the chances of getting the dimmer is absolutely none. Im just hoping the geckos will be fine. the tank is quite huge and its 36''long and 12.5'' wide and 20'' tall. they have their eyes shut and I put a few crickets in their.. Midnight snack maybe? its almost 10 pm and I got them at 6 pm. they didnt want to eat when I got them so maybe they'll be hungry tonight. The tails are nice and plump and they look strong and healthy. One of them likes to just lay down and keeps a low profile, and mine is exact opposite its fast and full of life. Its like packed with 2 layers of newspaper with 4 layers of think paper towel. It shouldnt get that hot tonight. I wake up at around 6:30 - 7 everyday so I will tell my sister to watch the heater while Im gone til' 2. shes good with them so its ok.

The heater stays warm and not too hot, as i said its only a 8 watt and about a foot my 8 inches. roughly. soo



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