hi all new member, showing off new leo


New Member
New Jersey
so just got a new leo, about 6 months old a male las vegas raining red stripe....or so it was sold as...looking for insight if you guys think it is or a different morph....other than that, hi everybody :)



New Member
Not a red stripe maybe it came from that pairing but it is beautiful nonetheless!!! Very nice lavender on that one! Welcome to the forum!


New Member
New Jersey
well thank you all so far :) im thinking like you said from the pairing, might be super recessive and got muted by the las vegas? not quite sure what the las vegas trait brings out tho. can't see it in the pic but he has a nice little bit of orange at the tail base but isn't solid enough or covered enough to be a carrot or tangerine so ill see in about 6 months what shows up goes away and sticks out lol


New Member
New Jersey
thank you thank you :) its definitely a male, got a bigger pair than my full grown Tremper snow enigma... glad i noticed those details before i bought him i was able to work a more "fair" price...im thinking he is more a jungle or bell morph from the colors. but the photo doesn't show it well but there is a thin stripe running head to tail base so its a stripe but i think the red stripe is recessive and might show in the off spring. the orange tail base will help with the raptor im going to have him breed with so should be some interesting outcomes next year :)


Active Member
Southern Illinois
He's a gorgeous male Jungle Rainwater! :main_thumbsup: However, you can't breed him to a Raptor. Rainwater is one albino strain, Tremper (which Raptors belong to) is another, and Bell is the third albino strain. Never mix albino strains! They are not compatible. You can google this forum to find the explanation :main_yes: Babies from a Rainwater x Tremper Eclipse (which is a Raptor) would be mutts, namely Normals, yellow and black spotted, both het for Rainwater and Tremper, which is very frowned upon since it destroys the pure gene pool.

You should get an awesome Firewater female (the best ones I've seen are from Bryan Jett from jettexotics, and from Kelli Hammack from HISS) and breed him to that. Your male has an awesome color, and a Firewater can only improve this in the offspring. You can only breed him to another Rainwater Albino, and most of them tend to be quite colorless except for the Firewaters, in my opinion. If you want to make use of his stripe genes that he definitely has, pair him with a striped Firewater female, and you will get more striped and jungly Rainwater offspring! :main_yes:

Just to give you a taste of Firewaters: look HERE!

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New Member
New Jersey
thank you very much LZRDGRL finally some insight to what can and cant be done, ill have to look in to that for sure....now i also have an up and coming female lavender stripe still an albino trait? possible for that to work? and suggestions on a male to breed with the raptor? like i said i have a full grown male Tremper Snow Enigma or still a Faux Pas with them both being in the same gene pool?

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