Hi from The Netherlands


New Member
The Netherlands
Hi everyone :)

I am Judith , 22 years old and i am from The Netherlands.
We have a Phelsuma grandis called The Hulk, who is born on March 1st 2014.
And since tonight we also have a very small (approx. 3 cm?) Hemidactylus turcicus, which is the reason i registered here. But that would be something for another thread :)

besides the geckos we also have 3 cats, 1 african pygmy hedgehog, an 600 Liter aquarium with discusfish, a bunch of color mice and within a few days there will arive another hedgie and 4 rats.

If you'd like, i would introduce them all with photos ;)

i will make a new thrread now for the H. turcicus and if you have any questions just ask :D

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