Hibernation or something?


New Member
Austin, Texas
Well she doesn't look skiny to me imo. I hope she'll be alright... Try crickets, maybe she's gone stubborn. But if she doesn't eat soon, I would take her in. They'll check her out and make sure you do a fecal so they can check for parasites.

Keep me posted :)


New Member
How much is cost because I don't think my family would want to spend 3000$ on a little lizard there mean like that haha


New Member
Austin, Texas
Usually a responsible gecko owner has the funds to pay for this if something like this happens. As much as this fustrates me I won't get into it.

If you actually care...call around at the local exotic vets who know how to care for leopard geckos and they will quote you a price what it'll cost to get you in there and have her look at. After that before anything happens you tell them you just want a quote of what it'll cost - but this is only if something major happens...like if she needed xrays or something.

My vets cost $60 and that covers the leo being checked out and having fecals, tests,ect done. If they need to do something 'major' or 'extra' then the price will go up from there.

Hope this helps.


New Member
I'll have to talk about my mom about it she's lazy and might not drive. It's not that i'm not irresponsible PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT. It's not that i'm irresponsible it's that I can't help that I can't but I'm doing what I can.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Oh I wasn't saying that. I can tell you care about her, very much so. But next time (or in the future...or start saving now) you should be prepared and have some extra savings to help your pets when they need you the most :)

Part of being responsible is having the funds to care for your leos. But, I don't want to start a fight. I'm here to help ya :)
--sorry if i stepped on your toes. wasn't intentional. we can tell you care for your leo very much so.


New Member
Today has been the worst day in the world for me I actually would be happy to not wake up... Not because of the leo either. I mean year I care but isn't not giving her calcium like horrible? I have the d3 stuff so I can't just put it in a dish so I forget to dust EVERY time...


Athens, GA
i bet the ambient air temps are getting cooler and your gecko can feel it, and is becoming dormant and not eating because of that. but some geckos go off food sometimes for whatever reason. i wouldnt worry if i were you, most of the time its not a big deal. however, i must say that it COULD be serious, because all i have is some experience with leopard geckos and no vet training or anything like that.


New Member
Yep her being a pick little... Nevermind heheh was the problem.. I got a few small crickets and she gobbled them up... Why would she suddenly dislike worms? She normally loves them to death (Heheh litteraly)... But from now On I guess it's dusted crickets with the occasional offering of worms.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I was going to make a separate post about this and still may, but I want to reassure you that if she's an adult (and she looks like one from the pictures), this is just the time of year where some geckos don't eat. Three of my males haven't really eaten in MONTHS and are barely pooping. They are all over 90 grams and one is over 100 grams. Very few of my adult geckos are eating and I don't expect much eating till nearly spring, which is what happened last year.
As far as the calcium goes, why not put a bottle cap of calcium with D3 in the enclosure? If you're really worried about D3 overdose (and I've heard conflicting stories about whether that will really happen or not), you could keep the dish in there for a week, then take it out for a week. It's not as if the gecko will get MBD if it misses its calcium for a few weeks.



New Member
Austin, Texas
Not too sure, Rose was like that. She would only eat mealies then switched to only supers. Guess some leos are like that. Good to hear you got her to eat! Maybe the worms weren't moving around too much for her liking. Also, I've heard that leos go crazy for crickets :) ...I'm just not a big fan of them, so I'll pass... as long as my guys stay eating their worms :p

As for what Aliza said I completly forgot to mention a bottle cap with calcium, that's what I do and dust my feeders with pure calcium and then the multivitamin. Also, be careful you don't give them too much calcium...

Check out these care sheets, they talk about vitamins in them. I'm sure you'd like to take a look at them. We all use different methods, and have our own opions... so here you go :) Hope this helps!

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