His friends are an inconvenience!


New Member
So we have a friend getting married this weekend in Florida. Great weekend trip... Not really... My cousin's fiance find a room that's $200 a person or so. Way too much. I find one that's $117 a person, splitting 4 ways. It's cheaper and just as nice, if not nicer. I get told go ahead and book it. Mind you this in in February.

Two weeks of complaining from my cousing being too good to sleep on a pull out sofa. Calling me cheap and the condo a roach motel. She finally gets a room elsewhere with another couple, paying like $400 or something. Whatever, her deal. Just an inconvenience to me because the rest of the party doesn't want to downgrade the room. Now it's like $150 a person, which isn't that much more, and no one had a problem with it until now.

Now, that it comes time to pay, $150 is too much, and I don't have time to change the reservations. I'm getting the full amount because this was put on my credit card.

Another inconvenience. My boyfriend and I were supposed to ride with his buddy and split gas to save on what we're spending. Great idea in February. Now, it's April and at first the buddy said he may have to work and can't stay the extra day. Now, it's I don't have to work, but I'm leaving early Friday because I don't feel like waiting for ya'll to get off work. (Well, really me because my boyfriend gets off at like 3 or 4, and I don't get off till 5.)

Well, two week ago I bought a brand new car with 50 miles. Currently it has about 199. I've driven the car like 3 times in the week and a half that I've really had it (the dealer kept the car for a few days detailing and installing running boards). I don't want to take my new car and putt 500-600 miles on it so soon.

I realize you get a car to drive, but I don't want to put the miles on it right now. I'm sorry.

My boyfriend's car needs a new CB axle and tires. He's known about it for months, but hasn't fixed it. He's known his buddy was going to more than likely bail on our ride for like 2 weeks. He hasn't fixed it because I'm driving.


I don't want to rent a car because that'll be like freaking $300 or more. My parents offered to give me $100-$150 for the rental, but that still means I'm paying a crap load for a weekend wedding trip that I wouldn't have gone on if it wasn't because of a wedding. Not to mention gas to fill up the car and any expenses while in Florida (food).

And, now, my cousin and her fiance' ask us to take the other couple because the girl can't get off until 5, and they were going to leave at 3:30 when she initially thought she was getting off. 2 hours is an inconvenience to them, bc they decided to leave at lunch now. You don't tell someone you're going to give them a ride, then bail on them. I'm in that situation now. Plus, don't be rude to me then as me a favor bc it would convenience you better. NO.

Now, I'm the bad guy for saying we won't give the other couple a ride. It's not the other couple, but they're the ones who are basically being punished. The problem is my cousin and her fiance run over everyone and for some reason everyone lets them. I'm tired of it. You can't be rude and ugly then expect people to give you everything. Although, it's happened all her life, you can't do it any more. Grow up

I don't even want to go anymore. If I rent a car I'll get harassed by his friends for buying a new car and not wanting to drive it. If I don't rent, my parents will huff and puff and get pissed at my boyfriend because he doesn't want to rent. And, to top it off I don't want to drive my car and put miles on it so soon. We're talking about going to FL in June; that's not a problem I would have had the car for a few months not a few days.

I'm fed up!:main_angry:


New Member
I'd like to tell them to buzz off but I can't. I have been told I don't have a filter and he won't let me handle things. Oh well... I do have a nice filter, but not when it gets to the point where I'm fed up.

Last night I had to sit down and take the total of the condo, and figure out what it is per day per person, so the people who are staying 2 nights don't get pissed they're paying for the third night. So the total his guy one- 79 and change; guy two 79 and change; my bf 158.55; me 158.55. They were all going to pay for any girls staying, but my mom felt I needed to pay my part. Whatever. My bf and I are paying over half the room, and it wasn't even our idea to stay three nights, but the other two guys didn't tell me for sure they weren't staying the third night till yesterday when it was too late to change the reservation. I'm not thrilled.

Tony, I've heard it is good for the car, and the engine isn't great till 1000 miles, but I just don't want to do it. I'm stubborn, and to me new is new, at least for a little while.


New Member
On the positive side you get to go to your friends wedding, have the condo to yourselves for a night, and a vacation to Florida. That's kinda cruddy what everyone did but it doesnt sound like there's much you can do about it now other than continue to be upset or go have a good time. Weddings are hilarious drunken dancing and conversation lol (even if you aren't the drunk one)


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
im sorry for you having to deal with that crap, i probably would have told them all to take it and go to h*ll...then just came down if you had the reservations already for a small vacay. where in florida is the wedding? are you coming down again at a later time too? let me know if you will be near clearwater like within like 2 hours of us maybe we can hang out for a bit and have a drink or 2 somewhere like chilis lol


New Member
The wedding was in Panama City. I'll be going back in June.

The best time was when everyone left and it was just us Sunday evening and Monday.

I got close to telling my cousin off. I was a little over board so I was told, but I held back. Basically, the day of the wedding, she was at the venue and we were still getting ready. They wanted us to go get stuff to decorate the car, which wasn't a big deal but we had the time wrong and thought we were going to be late. My cousin wasn't doing anything and could have easily driven to walmart, but she just didn't want to go. Instead, we had to rush and go from point A to Point C back to point B. We bought the most expensive crap bc they were paying us back. She informed us that she wasn't paying and one of the groomsmen was going to pay all of it and she and her bf wasn't paying anything. Just because she didn't want to leave, we were inconvenienced to go all across panama city just for supplies to decorate a jeep that the groom didn't want decorated.

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