

New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Just got back from the ETHS show in Houston. It's a 4 hour drive each way, I am so tired, I can barely see straight, my legs just hurt, I stood for most of the day. I have been up since 8PM Saturday night and the show wasn't even very good, in fact, it sucked balls! :main_laugh:

I just took two Tylenol PM and am going to bed. I have to pack a huge shipment tomorrow to send to Marula in Italy for the Hamm show.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Sorry the show was so bad! We were really happy to get to see you though, if only for a few hours. Paul had a great idea for NARBC to ask for all of our table to be next to each other. That way we can just visit the whole time!

We ended up selling a gecko to a friend that lives 6 miles away because they felt sorry for us and to a pet only gecko to a kid that only had $5. That's how good the show was. LOL

Paul, we had a great time hanging out with you even though I still haven't caught up on sleep.

I hope you guys get rested and we need to drive up there for a visit soon!


I'm baaaaaack!
The nice thing about my worst show ever is that it's pretty hard to go anywhere but "up" from there. I took 140 geckos, which I knew would be too many but didn't care, and sales totaled $370. My expenses were about $325 but I ended up buying $210 worth of geckos and $25 of cork bark. lol

I'm still glad I went though. Hanging out with Mel & Keith on Saturday night was worth the drive even if I wasn't vending. You guys rock.

Kelli, I'm glad you made it back okay. I almost followed you all the way to your house because I'm paranoid like that. lol Once you get your Hamm shipment out, TAKE A BREAK! If you need anything, let me know.

Marcia & Nancy, I hope NARBC was a success for you ladies. What's this I hear about an Enigma being stolen?

Was there a Hamburg show or something on the East Coast this weekend? If so and R&V vended, I hope you guys did well too. :)

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I know the feeling Kelli. I got maybe a half hour of sleep before our show on Sat. I did fine the whole day, but later that night I just crashed hard..Val too. We took a little 2 hour power nap haha. Sometimes the shows just take a ton out of you, especially when they're slow. We get really antsy at the shows sometimes too. I really think these geckos should learn to drive to these shows and sell themselves. Sorry the show seemed to be a bust.

Our was the same way Paul. We roasted in the insane heat...the poor geckos looked terrible, we were really worried. They looked like a million bucks after the cool car ride on the way home though, thank goodnee. We didn't actually sell anything to anyone at the show. We had 3 raptors on hold for Paulnj and we did a trade with Matt SaSobek. We got $700 from Paul for the raptors, ended up giving him $50 back so he could buy something else, and had about $30 in expenses. So for not selling anything it actually wasn't too bad. It's always fun to chat geckos with everyone. BTW, Gregg M is the freaking man...never expected him to be a genuinely awesome guy knowing how he can be on the forums sometimes haha. Also, it looks like Matt and Alberto are going to do the Hamburg show with us and we're going to start going to Whiteplains, NY with them. It should be fun...as long as I can keep from buying anything ugh.

Paul I heard you may make it up to the NARBC Virginia show? I'm 90% sure we'll be there with Jeremy, and 100% sure we'll be there at least for one day.

I think Jeremy had a show this weekend too, I hop you did okay. Same goes to you Marcia and Nancy.

Kelli, give me a call this week when things settle down for you.


I'm baaaaaack!
Blah, if it wasn't A/C'd in the Houston show, I wouldn't have made it through set-up. It's WAY more humid in Houston than Denton. Jeremy and I did a show once in IL when it was at least 100*F in the BARN where it was held. Yucky poo. I think that's when Stacy was 8 3/4 months pregnant, right Jeremy? lol Or am I confusing that show with another... anyway.

That's cool that you guys got to meet Gregg. I've always suspected he's cooler in person. lol Teaming up for shows with Alberto and Matt should be pretty sweet too. That Alberto, he a funny guy.

I'm still not 100% on the Virginia show. It looks like it would cost me $1500-2000 just to attend and I'm weary as to whether or not I'd be able to afford that. If I was going to have a table it'd be a different story, but there's no way in hell I'd drive that far for a VERY long time. (unless it was to go play at Marcia's house and I got to bring Kelli & Jersey lol)

I know what you mean about getting antsy at shows. I used to be TERRIBLE about shows and wouldn't sleep AT ALL and be all fidgety and shit. But now I'm medicated and it's all good. lol Not caring too much can be bad though. I didn't really give a shit what my table looked like this weekend. I just put 120 deli cups on a table cloth. Aside from my cards and caresheets, that was it. No banner, no lights, no displays, nothing. I don't think it would've really mad a difference though. :shrug:

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I think at least 100* sounds about right for our past 2 shows. It was pretty rough and we even bought an 8in fan for the summer shows. I didn't sweat but I was wet. I was on the brink of sweating like a hog all day, it sucked. Our non albino babies looked awful. We have a really nice little red-orange tang and the poor thing was turd brown. She looks great today though. Man the heat is awful there.

Gregg is a really cool guy. Alberto is a fun guy to talk to. Hamburg is really turning out to be a decent show. More and more people are making their way there. It's always busy as hell till 1 or so. There was fight with the people waiting in line the other month haha. It just sucks the show can be so random, but I guess that goes for any show.

That's a pretty hefty price tag for the Virginia show. I don't blame you for not wanting to drive more than 10min anywhere for a long time. The move has been pretty ridiculous for you. Keep us posted for the good or the bad. It would be cool to finally meet up.

I used to be antsy for the shows themselves, but now we have everything down to science...ish. It's definitely a lot easier, and we keep a box of all of show stuff so it's all in one place. We just need the last minute stuff like PT, spray bottle, hand sanitizer, etc. The reason I only got 30min of sleep is because I'm stupid and sleep backwards. We get antsy to leave when it's slow and hot as balls. After 12 we start to wear out and we're usually always ready to leave. We usually make it until 2 or later though.

I know sales are kind of slow now, but hopefully they'll pick up for us all. I know a lot of people are buying geckos like crazy for 08...I know I am. It's possible we might get all of our geckos this week before our little vacation to NC. If not, we'll get them next week. Expect a sweet photo post. I've been holding out on posting photos so I could drop one big photo bomb of excitement with our 08 stuff woo.
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Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
PaulSage said:
Aside from my cards and caresheets, that was it. No banner, no lights, no displays, nothing. I don't think it would've really mad a difference though. :shrug:

Yeah, I can't believe you didn't have fancy flashing signs like us. I was really disappointed. LOL I wish I had gotten a picture of you with your lack of set up.

Here was our flashy set up (that took way too long to put up) -


I can't believe Keith caught that look on my face! -


and Kelli being annoyed at having her picture taken (note how happy Paul is because he didn't have a display to break down) -



New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Haha can't you guys tell I just love doing shows these days. It gets old after awhile... well, NARBC in Feb should be a blast!

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