how common is it to breed your pet leo?


metal's my trade
this section looks rather large to me, and I've seen a lot of post around where people complain that people went out and bought their pets with the sole intention of breeding them as soon as they got them home. and it's not just leos but i see it with most reptiles.

just really curious. as when i got mine the first thought i had was to make sure there was never an incident to cause mine to make babies. (hoping mine since i got it very young is a him so i don't even have to deal with eggs.)

they aren't quite like my fish where meh, they make babies let others eat them and the lucky ones to make it to adult hood can stay or be given to neighbor kids when they are really good and show some responsibility.

lizards take a bit more care and a basic understanding of i don't care what you are wanting to do next. wash your hands after touching before anything else (my big thing). plus understanding of their basic needs. which is more complicated than change the water bowl once a day. and feed it a pinch.

it just seems like it'd really hard to find homes for babies. or you have to keep adding cages for the little guys. i have a small house so i know that's not an option for me. and i know i love babies as much as the next girl, but i don't like the idea of me bringing them into this world without either a home or space to keep them myself.

TL;DR: with most other pets people don't want babies, but with leos or any other reptile they do. just curious as to why


Wonder Reptiles
The same type of people who rush into breeding dogs or cats, breed their leos.
Youre right, it takes a lot of time and planning.


Wonder Reptiles
They also expect to make money.

When you breed any animal, you need to expect little profits. It shouldnt be about the money, and if you break even - thats a plus!


metal's my trade
see i've never heard people say they wanted to breed mammals usually. it's always about getting dogs and cats neutered or spayed. i didn't think any money was ever made in selling animals. of any kind. the money is in the food and setups and toys. (things that need replaced.) it just really strikes me as odd.


Wonder Reptiles
I worked at a clinic and I would say a whopping 50% of people didn't spay and neuter. (but a large portion of our clients were low income)


New Member
palmetto FL
The reason we dont want people breeding pet store leos is because of unknown genetics. You can have many hidden hets, which can result in young that are undesirable or have 0 market. and then you must find homes for them as pets.
breeding leopards from responsible breeders can help ensure you know what the out comes will be, and allow you to work on specific genetics and markets. though, some breeders will buy a spectacular leo from a store and test breed it, and then incorporate it into their lines.

Same thing with bettas though, betta breeders and fanatics want to keep betta lines true/pure. When you breed two petstore bettas you get a TON of unknown genetics and tail types, all of which are rarely wanted and then your left finding homes for 20-200 fish, where you can insure they wont be bred. NOT EASY. The babies themselves are also unwanted, as they can still carry who knows what genetics.


Wonder Reptiles
Its like if you bought a pure bred pug with papers, and bred it with some pug down the street with no papers.
You couldnt sell the pus as pure bred without proof of both parents.


Animated Geckos
Southern California
well i think another reason why people complain is because they're are plenty of lower end leos and morphs as their is and the market is flooded with leos, and the people who usually want to breed are unexperienced and have no steady market, so they dont know what they are getting into and are just bringing in more lower end leopard morphs, but thats not my main concern, it is that I dont understand why some people say hey I want to breed my leo and how do i do it and they barely got their first one a week or two before, kinda silly and irresponsible if you ask me...

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