How do you keep from buying more?


New Member
Like others have stated, Just pace yourself. I have a set time limit of 4+ months for my new acquisitions (I admit I don't keep it overly strict but still). That allows me to enjoy what I have and savor the reptile browsing at the same time.


Evil Playsand User
Albuquerque, NM, USA
I went from 20 breeders and 250+ hatchlings in 2002 down to 13 leo geckos by Nov 2010. Then I got 2 geckos from Monsoon Reptiles, a bold stripe and a jungle. I fell off the GKA (Gecko Keepers Annonymous) wagon at that point. I'm at 39 right now, finishing a payment plan on 5 more, plus my eggs incubating. BUT my fianceé and I are super excited about the genetic possibilities we have lined up. We're both nerds that way, me with my BS in Biology and her with her BS in Microbiology. :D

Russ S

New Jersey
I have 3 leopard geckos now and picking up a crested tomorrow. I was at the reptile shop I go to for my feeders and they had some new babies and some adult males and I soooo wanted to buy this beautiful Mack Snow Male and they have baby Panther Chameleons that I have been eyeing sinch they hatched and they finally went on sale today (they are a month old) but I am moving soon so I promised myself I wouldnt buy anymore until I am moved into the new place. How do you restrain yourself? lol

I will let you know when I figure it out.


Shillelagh Law
I'll have to quit after that to avoid divorce, as my hubby's not thrilled about geckos and their need to eat insects (especially roaches).

If that's the only impediment, then there are still a lot of options. Prehensile tailed skinks and Testudo in one direction... most snakes in the other. Or even things like blue tongues, tegus, and some monitors with a bit of extra effort. Or go sideways and get some Cuora, mmmmyeah, that's good stuff.


New Member
Southern USA
Man this is tough. I have only had Merlin for a couple of months and already I am wanting another one! I DO have the spare tank since I just got him a 20gL lol. I spend a fortune on him as it is. My parents roll their eyes each time I go to PetCo for supplies! I always come back with more than I intended lol.


New Member
North Port, F.L
Man this is tough. I have only had Merlin for a couple of months and already I am wanting another one! I DO have the spare tank since I just got him a 20gL lol. I spend a fortune on him as it is. My parents roll their eyes each time I go to PetCo for supplies! I always come back with more than I intended lol.

me too but im worse ive had my juvi for a week and im measuring my room for a potential 50 gal tank to split into two and get another gecko (adult) and possibly down the road picking up a juvi to accompany the other plus i found a 50 buck crested with tank and supplies need to be sold but im ot sure if i want to house a crested any insight on that? :p i can tell that my life ahead of me is gonna be hard to restrain geckos


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
I just fill up my empty racks and use them as supply bins to help deter the urge for more geckos. (with the heat tape unplugged obviously) Or I will use the racks to hold feeder insects instead of having them clutter up my room.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
haha funny that this post came up again. I am waiting on 3 more leos tomorrow (cant wait!) and 4 more in August! lol I guess I cant keep from buying more lol


New Member
Southern USA
me too but im worse ive had my juvi for a week and im measuring my room for a potential 50 gal tank to split into two and get another gecko (adult) and possibly down the road picking up a juvi to accompany the other plus i found a 50 buck crested with tank and supplies need to be sold but im ot sure if i want to house a crested any insight on that? :p i can tell that my life ahead of me is gonna be hard to restrain geckos

Lol I'm just going to have to wait awhile and restrain myself when the reptile show comes around. I'm going of course, to see the new beauties, and get a few supplies. Hopefully I will manage myself and say "No... not right now", but I doubt it knowing me, I'll be like "Merlin needs a suitemate" (meaning new one would be in the old tank as Merlin would stay in his 20g)


Tight Budget Herping
San Antonio, TX
I remember that I live in an apartment & that they don't know about my current 7 lizards, and could only imagine how pissed they'd be if I had a whole roomful!!

I'm still knocking on wood on the hope that they'll overlook the tanks because the place is spotless & doesn't smell. :p

Well, as spotless as you can have it with a 2yr old...

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Ghoulish Geckos
Why would you restrain yourself ????? Face it....your hooked!:main_laugh:

It's true. It's always hard for me to stop buying. I cut up credit cards and only buy what I can pay out of the money I get from selling. That's helped a little, but not enough. I always want more. (waiting on 3 from Kelli) :eek:


New Member
Run out of money. :)

Quote for truth, bwahaha.

As soon as I get some steady income though, I'm seein a few more geckos and a snake or beardie in my future. :main_laugh:

In the meantime I avoid the temptation by not putting myself in situations where I would be tempted.

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