How do you keep from buying more?


New Member
Ah yes the day old question of when to stop buying geckos... I have found that setting limits is the only real way to stop ones self from going 'over-board.'. For example: I have set a limit for myself that I will not house more than three geckos at one given time. That means if I see one I really like, I will have to be willing to part with one of my current leos in order to purchase/trade for the new desired Leo gecko. This really puts into play the question 'how bad do I want it?' or 'do I really need it enough to sacrifice a current gecko?' it also helps to share your set quantity limits with your spouse or close friends so that when you speak of an upcoming purchase they will remind you of your limit and question your intention. Be true to yourself when you set your limit and avoid a purchase that may be regretted later.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
I have 3 leopard geckos now and picking up a crested tomorrow. I was at the reptile shop I go to for my feeders and they had some new babies and some adult males and I soooo wanted to buy this beautiful Mack Snow Male and they have baby Panther Chameleons that I have been eyeing sinch they hatched and they finally went on sale today (they are a month old) but I am moving soon so I promised myself I wouldnt buy anymore until I am moved into the new place. How do you restrain yourself? lol

Anyone else realize that this is the same lady who just adopted out a perfectly fine, beautiful leo(look in the adoption forum and it is near the top) these are animals not baseball cards

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Anyone else realize that this is the same lady who just adopted out a perfectly fine, beautiful leo(look in the adoption forum and it is near the top) these are animals not baseball cards

You can buy, sell or trade geckos just like you can with baseball cards. Who are you to judge why someone wants to sell, or in this case, give away a gecko for free? I am a breeder and so are alot of others on this forum. If I or anyone else has a gecko who we want to get rid of for any reason it's our right to do so, and theres nothing wrong with it. Geckos are bought, sold, traded and adopted out everyday. If Christina wants to give a perfectly healthy gecko away so she can make room for another one because maybe she decided to change directions on a breeding project, then that's totally within her rights to do so. I dont see anything wrong with it and i bet most, if not all breeders will agree with me. In fact she could have sold it, but instead she offered it up for adoption. Nothing wrong with that! If I have more geckos than I have room for and give one or two away, am I a bad person too?? These animals get passed around more than you realize, it's part of the hobby. I may own a gecko for 15 years, and may own a different one for only 3's just how it goes when you breed.

I will agree with you in one aspect of geckos aren't the same as baseball cards....I would never put a gecko in the spokes of my bikes tires! Damn, I'm old!
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Active Member
Marietta, Ga
I'm not saying what she is doing wrong and I would like to apologize if I took it too far, I'm just saying even if I adopted out one of my many bearded dragons to get a few more Leo's, I wouldn't say it is because I don't have enough space and then end up ordering 3 more geckos


New Member
Clearwater, FL
I am looking to work with certain projects and have sold and adopted those out that either 1) didn't fit in those projects or 2) needed a female or a male and they turned out to be the opposite. Yes I have limited space for breeders so I needed the room in my breeder racks for those that will go into my project. What is wrong with that? I find good homes for them (usually with breeders who can use them in their projects). If that makes me a bad guy in your eyes well I guess you will find a lot of "bad guys" on here. Like Chris said it happens all of the time. I never got a panther chameleon. I just liked looking at the babies lol I got 2 cresteds and they were for my boyfriend since he likes them btw. I just don't see where the problem is in finding good homes for those that don't currently fit into my projects so I can make room for those that do. In the adoption section I just wanted people to know that it wasn't deformed or have anything wrong with it since that is usually why someone will adopt out a gecko on the adoption forum.
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New Member
I love looking at different leo morphs and, in a perfect world, I would have one of each. But I'm sticking with the two males I have now. I tend to spoil my pets so that's what keeps me in check: only buying a few animals so that I can provide awesome lives for them to the best of my ability. I am thrilled with my two males, and I have Repti-Racks cages on the way for them. Those things are crazy expensive and took a chunk out of my wallet, so that's why I only have two leos and probably won't be getting any more anytime soon. I'll have to settle for looking at pretty leo pictures on the internet. :)


New Member
Between two terrariums
So far I think I'm immune - years with just one leo, and quite happy to keep it that way. Should I run away before everyone starts trying to synthesize an antidote from my blood? :p

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