How is everyones season going?



I have only done 1 breeding so far, but getting ready to start my BB project and LVPA.

I bred SHTCTxSHTCT, and from that so far we got 5 hatchlings and 2 eggs cookin.


Westminster, Colorado
I only have one breeding pair at the moment, too. Or, I should say, one pair breeding. An APTOR female, and a tangerine giant albino (possible "het" RAPTOR). They've done the deed, but no eggs so far though she's looking extra chunky. (I just can't bring myself to do the back-bend thing to really check things out). We're moving back to Colorado on June 1, so any eggs she may have by then will hopefully be left with Double LY.

My other pair are red stripes, and while the female is turning into Jabba the Hutt, her mate is taking his time growing. He's gorgeous and plump, but not gaining any inches. Hopefully by July I'll be able to put them together.

I hope to add a RW stripe boy to the collection at some point to pair up with my beautiful RW girl. Maybe later this year before the season ends.

Brian O

I've hatched 8 so far. I have mostly first year breeders so who knows how many of the 50 eggs in the incubator will hatch. They are starting to pick up steam. Good thing I am only doing half at a time.


I'm doing awesome right now! I think I have a 30% hatch rate and I've had at least over 40 eggs. I'll get the official rate when everyones done laying. Glad most others are having a good season haha.


Bells Rule!
I started late and most of my females have a little more time before they're ready. However, from 3 females I have 17 eggs incubating with many more on the way. Last year was my first season and I hatched 32 geckos. If all goes well I should at least triple that amount this year.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm happy with how things are going for me. I have 3 females laying regularly, 1 who doesn't produce much and will retire this year, 1 who was just introduced to the male a few weeks ago. The 3 regulars are cycling together: last weekend I got 6 eggs in 36 hours! I got hatchling #5 this morning, and am awaiting the clutchmate with 17 eggs in the incubator.



You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
We've had a busy season so far. No hatchlings yet, but lots of eggs. We will have our first hatchling any day now :)

I'll go ahead and list the name of the gecko along with the pairing she had.

Star (Normal x Normal)
7 Good Eggs / 7 Eggs Laid (First clutch due to hatch any day)

Pinky (Hypo Tangerine het Tremper x Patternless)
4 Good Eggs / 5 Eggs Laid

Pin Stripe (CHCT Jungle Tremper het RAPTOR x Tangerine Tremper Reverse Stripe het RAPTOR) (That's a mouthful)
1 Good Egg (we hope!) / 5 Eggs Laid

Jane (CHCT Jungle Tremper het RAPTOR x Tremper)
2 Good Eggs / 4 Eggs Laid

Thumper (Hypo Tangerine het Tremper x SHTCT)
2 Good Eggs / 2 Eggs Laid

16 Good Eggs / 23 Eggs Laid

We also have 2 females who were recently impregnated and are showing signs of being pregnant. We can only wait. One pairing is Tremper Hybino het RAPTOR x Hypo and the other is a secret :)

I just can't wait till we have our first little one :)


ok, its not fair, but we have over 100babies:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
from al lot of different lines, and are still waiting for babies from the special projects:D


5 girls laying (only 1 producing fertile eggs so far, its all of thier first year breeding)
1 baby,
2 good eggs in the incubator
more eggs due to be laid any day now :)


LizardThing Geckos
This summer is going to rock!

This is my first year breeding and I must be doing something right...
I have 14 hatchlings, all male, and 34 eggs incubating for females, with only two more eggs incubating for male right now..

I had one clutch that was lost, b/c i never realized they mated..
the very first clutch from my first breeders, a sunglow x tangerine albino cross...she has done well (and i have paid better attention) and she laid 6 additional clutches for me!!!
..i think she is done at this point...

my eclipse x eclipse het crossing has produced 6 clutches so far ...
the first two clutches hatched and I have one eclipse so far with some cool hatchlings besides...

Other hatchlings include the non-albino by-products of a tangerine albino x normal cross, and some reverse stripe het eclipse x stripe hatchlings (wild stuff..:main_yes: )

Eggs incubating are:

tremper albino mack snow x mack snow het raptor
stripe x mack snow het raptor
high yellow/normal x mack snow het raptor
stripe x reverse stripe het eclipse
sunglow x tangerine tremper albino
normal x tangerine tremper albino
eclipse x reverse stripe het eclipse

Just had my first female eggs hatch this weekend, finally!
I needed some males first, so I incubated males for the first two clutches (roughly)...things are going to get crazy around here soon!!!




as you have seen i have hatched out all kinds of different things this year. i realy didnt know how many babies i did have i knew it was alot but this thread made me want to get a count. some people are going to hate me for this. but i have hatched out 300+ and about 300 eggs in the incubator. and it is alot of work let me tell you. i spend alot of time on them every day cleaning and feeding. and the sad part is the females keep laying i still am getting about 30 eggs or so a week so it looks like its not going to let up any time soon. but every little baby is a great thing to see when they hatch and to watch them all grow and change. it makes it worth all the time:D


This is my first official season and I have 8 hatchlings, and 6 eggs in the incubator. So far I have only lost one egg...still puzzling on why. I also have a slow start to my cresteds...only three eggs incubating with more on the way. I only have two females and one male. This has been a terrific experience,but boy do you get attached to the hatchlings and all their little personalities. Good to hear that most everyone is having a good go of it.

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