How many fat tails can live in a 20 gallon long tank?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
While I would probably put only 2 leopard geckos in a 20 long, I have 3 fat tails in my 20 long since they tend to cuddle up in only 1 part of the tank. I don't think I'd put more than 3 in there, though.


neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
2 leos in a 20 long?they usually say 1 in a 10,2 in a 15,and 3 in a standard could put atleast 4 in a 20 long I think.thanks though everyone.I think I'm gonna add another soon.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The general idea is usually 1 leo per 10 gallons. I do keep 4 leos in a 20 long but I have a 12"x12" "upstairs" to give more space. I'd say 3 in a 20 long is marginal and 4 is pushing it, but there are many arrangements that are non-standard and have resulted in happy animals. Just watch their behavior carefully if you keep that many together in that size space.


neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
The general idea is usually 1 leo per 10 gallons. I do keep 4 leos in a 20 long but I have a 12"x12" "upstairs" to give more space. I'd say 3 in a 20 long is marginal and 4 is pushing it, but there are many arrangements that are non-standard and have resulted in happy animals. Just watch their behavior carefully if you keep that many together in that size space.


Thanks Aliza! Appreciate your help a lot.thanks to any other posters as well!

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
This is kinda going off topic,but I was reading rom trempers book,and he uses 28 qt sterlite blanket boxes that are 16x20x6" to house 4-6 adults.a 20 gallon long has and area of 360 square inches,and the tubs RT uses have an area of 352 square inches.therefore one could argue that a 20 long COULD hold up to 6 adults,though I am not saying I'd agree with that.I do believe that a 20 long could hold 4 adults comfortably,IF enough hides are given,and all are monitored well and are not would also have to be sure that all geckos are getting their food.this is just a thought,and I'm not saying either one of us are right or wrong.I'm just saying what RT uses,and what I THINK.that's the beautiful thing about herpetoculture:there are many methods and opinions used by different people.I am a firm believer that if it works for you,and the geckos are thriving,then keep on doing it!Once again,this is just my 2 cents.

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