Those were very good suggestions about how to be a trustworthy breeder. It's still worthwhile deciding whether or not you should be a breeder at all, so consider these factors when you make your decision:
--can you afford the incubator and thermostat, food and housing for babies, possible vet visits for sick geckos?
--do you have enough room to house babies?
--do you have a plan for what to do with the babies, either keeping them or selling them/giving them away? Remember that there are an awful lot of leopard geckos on the market these days.
--will you be able to "put to sleep" yourself or have a vet do it if you have a baby that is very deformed?
--are you experienced in care of geckos?
Think really carefully about these questions (and it may be a good idea to consult with your parents as well) and if it still looks promising, go for it.
I want to breed my leopard geckos, but I want to be a good breeder that someone can trust. I want to be a trustworthy breeder like all the guys on the ads of this site. But how can I be one?
Be honest. Be nice. Be generous.
Be honest. Be nice. Be generous.