Haha, sounds like my life. I had an iguana when I was a kid for ~2yrs, then my mom got rid of her and wouldn't let me get any more reptiles (my dad was terrified of them). That was the start of my addiction.
" That was the start of it all..." Lolololol that sounds Hilarious. I was going to get an Iguana, Then I thought I would wait till I can afford my own living space because no one approves of what I already have * Cough Cough * Parents.
Yeah, you definitely need your own space for something as big as an iguana. Adults pretty much need a whole room as an enclosure, or you could let them roam free around your house.
And yes, lol, parents...my dad is afraid of Kai, my big crestie. He got freaked out that Kai would watch him sleep when he came to visit me, and said Kai was planning on eating him. Grown men can be the biggest babies sometimes.
They really can..... I could never figure out why my Dad and brother are cool with scorpions, but tarantulas freak them out???? Fortunately Dad, Boyfriend and brother all dig geckos ;-)
Hahahaha, Yeah my parents already dont like the amount of pets I have. Though they dont hate any of them or just find them to be really gross, Its just a hygine concern like " Have you washed your hands after touching them, Dont let them get on your clothes, What if they carry disease, This is talking too much time from your school work, Blah Blah Blah "
My mom's totally for it now...I'll get the filter, put tabs on a newt and get her some fish for her giving me permission. Then I'll go in a day later, once the water's conditioned, and pick up my newt.